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freakum dress


"Man, fuck that old bitch and all ten of her bad ass kids."

My friends were over and we were dogging the fuck out of Bey. It was mostly me doing all the talking but they were here for moral support.

We were going to go out and were just at my apartment pregaming but I was already drunk.

Bey had me so fucked up. I actually liked her and I couldn't believe she would do me the way she did me.

We weren't together or anything but she was still wrong.

I wasn't necessarily hurt but she definitely had me fucked up.

Just thinking about Bey made me mad again. I stood up from my couch in my living room where my friends and I were sitting. "Then, she was letting that nigga fuck her raw. I'm sick just thinking about it, I was probably kissing her with dick breath and didn't know."

Lauren laughed and then immediately stopped. "That's so fucked up. Then you can't even go
to the bathroom without seeing someone who looks just like her."

"Speaking of that." London interjected. "How in the hell did none of that notice that she was her daughter? They look just alike."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to get more juice, you're not helping." But she was right.

I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get something to chase my liquor since I finished what was in my cup.

Instead of juice, I took a Red Bull out of the fridge. It would've been Gigis or mine but I was drinking it either way, I deserved it.

Gigi and I haven't really talked either. I don't know if I was mad at her or not but I definitely didn't want to talk to her.

Especially since she's her moms twin. I don't know how I didn't make the connection that they were related in some way, they have the same face and mannerisms.

But fuck the both of them, I was going out tonight and I was going to show my ass. Literally.

Lauren is the sluttiest dresser out of our trio and we're about the same size so she brought me a dress to wear. Beys not going to give a fuck but it'll make me feel better.

I went back into the kitchen and saw Lauren up now dancing to Boys a Liar pt. 2. Lauren can't dance if she's not shaking her ass, no shade, so she looked crazy which was why London was taking a video of her.

I laughed and set my Red Bull down on the coffee table. She was definitely going to be gifted a dance class or two for her birthday.

The doorbell rang and London groaned. "If that's your roommate and she tells us to turn to the music down before even closing the door, watch."

"It's probably not." I have no idea where she is but I doubt she'll be home soon. "I'll go get it."

I went to get the door and I was too short to
look through the peephole so I didn't even try. I opened the door and almost closed the door immediately after.

It was Bey and she had flowers with her.

"How did you- oh." I was going to ask her how she knows where I live but she pays half the rent here. "Gigis not here."

"I know. Do you have guests here?"

"Maybe." Lauren and London were being loud, she could definitely hear them.

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you drunk?"

I sighed and made a rushing motion with my hand. "What do you want? Why are you here? Get to the point."

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