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Bey ordered me breakfast as promised but she never came over. I wasn't mad because her daughter caught us being gay and shit, but I could've done something with my day instead of sitting at home waiting on her.

She could've at least sent me a text, but I didn't hear anything from her.

I was on my couch considering texting my friends when they added me to a group Facetime. Perfect timing.

I answered and only saw ceiling fans and foreheads. "Hey y'all." It was Lauren, London, Jayla, and Simone.

"Hi pretty!" That was Lauren, she's always happy. Except for when she's beating on her man. "What are you up to?"

"Not shit, why?"

I could tell Simone was checking herself out in the little box with her face instead of paying attention. But if I had her face, I would too.

"Have you heard about that pool party next week?" London and I are the one that always hear about parties going on.

"Yeah, I heard about it. It's definitely getting shot up though." Houston parties are... different.

Jayla walked onto the screen in one of the boxes eating a bowl of ramen noodles. "Your ass needs to be shot. Why are the streets saying you have a girlfriend?"

"Bitch, the streets being Lauren? She's the only one I told." I like to keep my business to myself, at most I'll tell Lauren or London. Anybody else can catch it on my close friends.

Lauren laugh screamed and then left the call.

Simone was fixing her hair, still checking her out. "So are we hanging out or not? Nobody even asked Onika about the mall, the party isn't for a week. Just a pack of slow bitches."

"The mall? Let me ask my girlfriend and make sure she's still not coming over."

Jayla smacked her lips and left the call too. I don't think she was really mad, she just plays like that.

"Well talk to Be-" London almost slipped up, "Her and let us know. Lauren can pick you up but we wanted to go in like an hour so hurry up."

I wouldn't have cared if she said Beys name. I might be one of her secrets but she's not one of mine, I wanted to show her off. She wouldn't let me.

"Alright. Bye." I made a kissy noise and hung up the phone.

I called Bey immediately after since they said they wanted to go in about an hour. She didn't answer but called me back immediately after.

I wasn't annoyed, but I was madly irritated. We just got back together so I wasn't going to start anything.

She second I answered the phone, she started apologizing. "Honey, I'm so so sorry. Kelly was hungover from last night and couldn't open the bakery so I had to do it, and we were so busy that I couldn't text or call. But she's on her way now so Im getting ready to come over."

Now she knows she could've took ten seconds to text me that she wasn't coming.

"Don't bother, I'm about to go out with my friends." She took too long, I wasn't going to spend my whole day waiting around for her.

"What? Why do you have plans with your friends when you knew I was coming over?"

"I didn't, but I've been sitting here like a hairless cat for hours waiting on you. My friends called and asked if I was busy, and I'm clearly not, so I agreed to go out with them.  At least I'm courteous enough to call you and let you know." Maybe I was more annoyed than I thought.

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