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Today was the twins birthday and against my better judgment, I was going to their party.

Bey texted me after I left her house and told me she wanted to see me so we could talk. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about but I was ready for us to talk. I was ready for everything.

Gigi told me it was just a cookout and nothing serious so I wasn't going to be overdressed. But I was going to see my bae so I still had to look cute.

After being on Facetime with my friends for half an hour, I settled on cargo shorts and an orange cropped tank top, but it fit more like a sports bra.

They told me to be a little early so I called an Uber to their house about half an hour before the time the party actually started. Knowing black people, they wouldn't be there for an hour after the start time.

I called Gigi when I started to see golf carts so she was already by the gate when I got there. It was open and had pink and blue tassels all over the top.

I got out and walked to the gate. "Hey Gi, you look pretty." She's always in sweatpants or shorts and a tank top but today she actually tried. She was wearing a long sleeve sundress, I don't think I've ever seen her in a dress before.

She smiled until I couldn't see her pupils anymore. "Thank you! You look like a cute little G.I. Joe."

"Bitch- where's your mom at?" No offense, but that's who I needed to talk to.

She laughed, "Why do you want to talk to my mom?"

I shrugged. "The lady wants to talk to me."

"Well... do you want to smoke?"

My eyebrows furrowed, they always seem to do that around Gigi. "Smoke? Since when do you smoke?"

"It's healing and shit. I'm always on ten, it calms me down. But yes or no? I already have the joint rolled."

"Yeah, fuck it. Let's go." Bey could wait.

"Okay, great. Let's get on the golf cart."

I followed her to their garage specifically for golf carts. We got in and Gigi drove to the pool house first so she could get everything. I stayed in because she was only gone for a second before she came back out.

Gigi knew a spot so I sat back while she drive there. We stopped at a lake, in their neighborhood. She immediately started lighting the joint and I just watched her.

"Gi, did you roll that? It looks nice as fuck." I couldn't stop staring, it looked perfect.

"No, my dad did." It was lit so she put it to her lips and started smoking.

"Your dad?"

She nodded. "My dad is my plug, basically. I don't know how to talk to drug dealers. But don't tell my mom, she doesn't know anything about anything."

"Got you."

"There's a lot of stuff she doesn't know, she's kind of relearning how to have a daughter my age in a way so doesn't know about some of the things I do."

"Girl, what the fuck do you do besides sit at home and play with that dildo I brought for you?"

"I've changedd. Nothing crazy but I'm starting to finally act how you and other people our age act." She hit it one more time and passes it to me.

"You need to come out with me and my friends again. We'll get you lit, and I won't kiss you this time." Bey would beat my ass. But I think I would like it.

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