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I woke up to the sound of throwing up and jumped awake. My motherly instincts made me go from deep asleep to up and alert in seconds.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom where the throw up noises were coming from. Onika bent over my toilet throwing up and gagging.

Her hair was already tied up with one of the matching scarves we had so I did the most I could and rubbed her back while she let it out.

After she threw up one more time, she flushed the toilet and went to the sink. She seemed to have everything under control now so I sat back and watched her brush her teeth.

The alcohol definitely won last night, she looked out of it.

She rinsed her mouth out and left the bathroom so I followed her just to see where she was going. She sat down on my bed and just looked at me.

I laughed a little at how she looked now. "You okay, baby?"

She nodded. "I don't feel good. I think I'm still drunk."

I didn't even know that was possible. "You just lay down and I'll take care of you. But seriously, you need to know your limits. It shouldn't be like this every time you drink."

She waved me off and got back in my bed. "Girl, please. Name the last time before last night that I went out without you? Exactly, so leave me alone."

"Well if you're going to talk to like that then you can make yourself breakfast." She knows better.

She pouted. "Sorry pookie. You know it's just the hangover."

"Mhm. I'll be back." I left my room and closed the door behind me. I already planned out what I was going to do so I could right to work.

Before I even started on cooking for her, I made her tea with honey and lemon and two Tylenols with a bottle of water.

I took everything back to my room and she was laying on her phone. She sat up when she walked in the room. "What's that?"

"Tea, water, and Tylenol. Drink a little bit of the tea before anything, I'll go check on Giselle then be back with some food." I placed everything on the nightstand next to her and kissed her on the forehead while I was down there. "Be right back."

"Thank you, pookie."

"Mhm." I left her again and went back downstairs. I left the house out through the back and went to the guest house. I knocked on the door and put my ear to it to see if I could hear anything. "Giselle?"

I heard some groaning and then her strained voice very faintly. "What?"

"Can I come in?" Even though I already had the key in my hand.

"You were going to do that anyway." At least she knew me.

"I'm asking your permission. Can I come in your room or no?"

She hesitated. "...Yeah."

I let myself in with my key and closed the door behind me. The water I left for her last night. She didn't look as bad as she must've felt because I took care of her last night. I took all her makeup off, put her hair in a bonnet, and took off all her jewelry after she passed out last night. 

"How are you feeling?" I shouldn't even be being nice to her. Yesterday morning we got into a big argument and as she always does when she gets mad at me, she was being so disrespectful to me.

She rubbed her eyes and cleared her throat. It must've been the first time she spoke since she woke up. "I'm okay."

"Do you see how this is exactly what I was talking about, Giselle? Literally exactly what I was saying."

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