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The morning before Bey and I left was hectic. I was trying to make sure everything with us was good and she was trying to make sure everything was good with her kids before they went with her dad since he would be taking them to school too.

He usually only had them on weekends so she was trying to make sure they had everything.

Gigi was at her boyfriend's house so their house was going to be empty. I didn't know if she moved in with him already or if she was just staying there while Bey was gone, she didn't tell me and I didn't ask.

Our flight was in the middle of the day which meant getting to the airport was hell. We took an Uber so she didn't have to leave her car there and we ended up stuck in traffic for at least an hour. That put us very behind schedule but at least we had TSA Pre-Check, it was a life saver. We probably wouldn't have made our flight if we didn't.

We barely got to sit down at our gate before we had to get up again for the flight. Our seats were first class, of course, I don't think Bey has ever flown anything else. The flight was only four hours but I was still prepared with a bunch of snacks and a season of a show downloaded on my laptop.

Bey squeezed my hand when we started to take off. "Are you less nervous this time than when we went to Bora Bora?"

I tightly squeezed her hand. I wasn't anxious but I didn't like the feeling of the pressure from the plane taking off. "Definitely. I'm not nervous at all this time." Her entire family not being here might've helped too, I was more comfortable now. "Are you excited for our trip?" I knew I was.

"I'm excited to spend time with you and get away from everything. I wouldn't want to spend my birthday with anyone else." She smiled and gave me a kiss. "We're not going to do anything today but get dinner tonight. Maybe some dessert when we get back." The look on her face let me know I was the dessert.

I nervously laughed. "Oh? I'll make sure to have couple drinks then." I wasnt scared. But I was scared.

"Don't worry, you know I'll be gentle and take good care of you." She gave me another kiss, but this one was more sensual. "You'll love every minute of it."

I hope so. I bought something extra to wear for her. "I'm sure I will. I know I've been saying a lot of stuff but I'm actually looking forward to it. You better let me get a turn too." It would be fun no matter what.

"I can't wait. We're going to this fancy restaurant I went to a couple years ago and I loved it. Do you want to wear those coordinated outfits?" She picked out and bought the outfit, she loves corny shit like that.

"Yeah, I don't mind. We have to take pictures then though." We were always so in the moment that we barely had any pictures, I barely had anything to reminisce on when we would stop talking.

"You know how I feel about pictures but I'll do it for you." Bey was always trying to be in hiding somewhere. "I'm going to ask the flight attendant for a glass of champagne when she comes over, do you want one?" She was about two rows in front of us a drink cart.

I nodded and went into my bag to pull out my laptop. "Yeah, please." I was ready to watch my show, eat my snacks, and relax.

While I was setting everything up for myself, Bey got out glasses of champagne. She had a book she was about to start and planned to finish before we went back.

We didn't talk much for the rest of the flight because Bey fell asleep as soon as she finished that glass of champagne. She couldn't hang at all.

I was awake the entire flight and she was sleeping on my shoulder so I barely moved at all either. She didn't wake up until we were landing and she was still half asleep so she just rubbed my leg.

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