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I woke up for the second time today, on the couch this time. The first time I woke up, Onika was standing to the side of me with a strap on. That led to hours of us fucking all around the house that put me straight back to sleep.

I immediately started looking around for something that said the time on it. It was only ten.

I had a little surprise planned for Onika and we couldn't even be a minute late for it.

Speaking of, we laid down together and now she was nowhere to be soon. I didn't want us to be sleeping in separate places so I got up naked how I was and went to find her.

I went straight to the bedroom and she wasn't in there but I could hear her voice in the bathroom. I knocked on the door. "Honey?"

"Yeah, I'm on Facetime!" She didn't open the door, just yelled through door.

With who?

I went to put my robe on so I wasn't naked and then knocked on the door again. "I need to brush my teeth, do you need to be on the phone in there?"

My intention wasn't to bother her even though that's what I was kind of busy. I was just nosy.

She opened the door with her phone in her hand. "I was doing my hair, but brush your teeth since I'm probably going to be a while. Are you good?"

I smiled, I was very good after earlier. "Yeah."

She laughed. "I bet. I'll be on the bed, just let me know when you're ready. Lauren says hi."

"Hm. Hello."

I didn't like Lauren, never have. Who did she think she was to be slamming doors in my face?

"Girl." She rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh. "Go brush your teeth." She slapped my butt on her way out and I went inside.

I brushed my teeth and then quickly left the bathroom so Onika could go back to what she was doing.

I stood by the bed where she was saying down. "Are you hungry, baby? I'm about to make breakfast." Because I definitely was.

She sat up and smiled widely. "Yes please. I'm starving."

"Okay. I have a surprise for you later so we have to get ready after what we eat."

She nodded. "Thank you. I'll be out there as soon as I'm done with my hair." Which would take forever.

I went to the kitchen to start coming because not only was I really hungry, but we didn't have that much time either.

We had tortillas so I decided to make breakfast burritos with bacon, eggs, hash browns, avocados, and cheese.

Onika came out and I was wrapping them and her hair wrapped up too. "Smells good. Thank you, baby. I'm sorry we couldn't really talk earlier because I was on the phone." She came over and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Don't worry, we have all day." I turned and gave her a real kiss. "Sit down, I'll bring the plate to you."

"Let me at least get us something to drink."

She went to the fridge to pour us something and I continued wrapping our breakfast burritos. We sat down next to each other at the dining table when we were both finished and started eating.

It was good but that was expected, I didn't think it was possible to mess something so simple up.

"I know what we we're doing today is a surprise, but what should I dress for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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