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The trip was quickly approaching and I was scrambling to get all my affairs in order.

By my affairs, I really just meant Onika and my kids. I wanted to make sure everybody was comfortable with everybody before we left so we could have a drama free vacation.

We were going to Bora Bora and we all needed some new summer clothes so I was going to kill two birds with one stone and all go shopping together.

I was taking Onika and the kids, including Giselle, to the mall and I felt very hopeful about it. She's already been around my younger kids so I wasn't worried about that, but I was going to have to tell them about our relationship soon so I was trying to let them warm up to that.

My mama and sister were another story but I had a plan for that too. We were having a family dinner and Onika doesn't know that she's going to come yet because I didn't want her to be nervous and back out, but she is.

I didn't feel like dressing up but I would be seeing Onika so I wore a tracksuit death the jacket open and a cropped tank top under and I knew I would be going to dinner later.

We got in the car but had to wait at least another ten minutes for Giselle to get into the car. I was driving my seven seater Mercedes SUV because there was a lot of us.

Giselle finally got in the car wearing a long sleeve shirt that was cut and ripped jeans. "Hey mama." She turned around and poked Sirs cheek. "Hey y'all."

She went to do the same to Blue but she slapped her hand away. "Move."

I would've popped her in the leg if she was anybody else. "Giselle sit forward and put her seatbelt on." She's the oldest but she starts with them all the time, but it's cute.

She turned around and looked at me for a second too long before she put her seatbelt on. "The outfit though... you're a mom. You have way too much cleavage out right now, and I can see your stomach."

"Your entire abdomen is out, but sure, let's talk about my chest. Text Onika and let her know we're on the way."

She laughed and went on her phone to do what I asked her. I looked back at the kids to make sure they were good before driving off.

It took no time to get to Onikas house, especially with all the arguing going on in my ear. I stopped at the front of her building and this time I texted her myself that we were outside. "Giselle, please get in the back." I didn't look at her while I was talking to her even though that was a pet peeve of hers because I was trying to type.

"Oop- the back?" I could see her put her hand on her chest from my peripheral vision.

"She's older." That's what I always use with the younger kids, I was hoping the same thing applied to older children too.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes but didn't say anything as she walked out of the car and went to the back.

It took a little while for Onika to come out but she looked so good that the wait was worth it. She was wearing black sweatshorts that weren't too short or long and a hoodie that had a similar graphic design.

Even though it was way too hot for that hoodie, something about her was just... sexy. Being on good terms with her turned me on. Nothing better than a healthy relationship.

She smiled all the way to she car and got in all giddy. She looked straight to the back before she even said anything to me. "Hey guys."

Rumis eyes lit up. "I remember you!"

She's been around Onika several times, I don't know why she wouldn't. Sir just waved because he just woke up from a nap and didn't feel like talking. He's just like his dad, he doesn't talk as much as Rumi.

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