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Bey was so childish. I would've preferred her to just ignore me than do what she was doing.

She was still texting me back but being dry as hell. It was clear she was still mad about what happened at the mall but she didn't want to address it.

I tried explaining to her that it wasn't a big deal but she would just say okay, even though it obviously wasn't.

It wasn't that deep. I kissed her when Bey and I weren't even together.

The only way we would've been able to talk it out was in person because she was terrible at texting, her old ass.

I was going to pop up on her at her bakery but when Gigi called me when I was on my way home from getting lunch with my friends and that gave me a better idea. Now I had an excuse to show up at her house.

I went home to drop my stuff up and refreshed
my hair and makeup while I waited for my Uber to pick me up. I needed to learn how to drive soon, Ubers aren't cheap. At least Bey unknowingly paid for that one.

When my Uber got there, I had to rush out of my apartment and down the elevator. I'm never completely prepared when it's time to go.

I texted Gigi when I was on my way and she liked my message. She said she wanted to hang out and have a movie night. Our friendship is basically how it was before she found out about Bey and I, maybe even better now that she doesn't have a crush on me.

I don't think she would be that mad about me leaving her for a couple minutes so I could talk to her mom, she knows we're dating. I might let her nosy ass listen.

When I got down the street and started seeing golf carts, I texted Gigi that I was outside. She was already outside and opening the gate by the time I got there.

At this point, I should have the code. This is basically my house.

I got out of Uber after he stopped and got walked over to Gigi. "Hey stepdaughter. You look good today." She was wearing boxer shorts and a graphic shirt I was pretty sure she stole from me.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Stepdaughter? You just tried the fuck out of me."

"Watch that mouth before I pop you in it, little girl." Bey wouldn't even say anything about it if I did.

"You've definitely been hanging around her too long, you even sound like her now."

Bey sounds like me, actually. "Speaking of, can we go see her?" I didn't want to tell her that she was mad at me.

"I guess, I didn't tell her you were coming but we have to go to the kitchen to get snacks anyway."

"Cool." I moved out of the way and she pressed the button that closed the gate. We stood there until it closed and then went into the house.

I could hear her kids laughing as soon as we got inside. I followed Gigi into the kitchen and almost audibly aww'ed.

All three kids were in a line on the side of the kitchen island. Bey had an apple that she was cutting into slices and would hand one kid one, they would run to the back of the line, and she would cut another slice for the next kid.

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