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I was finally going out after weeks of being in the house and I couldn't wait. As much as I loved being a little a little homebody with Bey, I needed to be outside with my friends before I went crazy.

It was Lauren's birthday so we were going to dinner and then the club after. A lot of my friends were going but I was surprised she invited Gigi too. I think she just thought that would make it more likely to come because I haven't been seeing them a lot.

Unfortunately, I became one of those people who gets in a relationship and forgets about their friends. Everyone else has gotten busy jobs or whatever they decided to do post graduation so at least it wasn't just me.

After I got dressed and did my makeup and hair, I was even more excited. I looked good and it had me feeling great. I couldn't believe how much of a bad bitch I was.

I was wearing these matching army green jeans and cropped jacket with just a lacy black  bra under. Bey might think it's a little scandalous but she would just have to close her eyes and deal with it.

The plan was for me to Uber to Gigis house so I could help her with her makeup and then we take another Uber to the dinner. We were taking Ubers so we could both drink without having to worry.

I got into my first Uber with only mini shooters, lip gloss, and my wallet in my all black  YSL bag Bey got me.

When I was a couple minutes away, I called Gigi to let her know so she could open the gate for me.

She was already at the gate in a robe when I pulled up so when I got out she opened it. "Hey daughter. Ready for tonight?"

She rolled her eyes. "Please don't start, it's way too early."

"Girl just accept it." I walked through the gate and she pressed the button to close it. "Are your siblings here?"

"No, my grandma picked them up because Beyoncé and I had a little... disagreement?"

I raised an eyebrow. "A little disagreement or a big disagreement?"

I still don't know what happened that night or why they were on bad terms. Bey refused to talk to me about it and Gigi wasn't really saying much either.

"There was some cursing and a lot of yelling but you know, that's just a regular fight for us." She shrugged it off but that was crazy to me.

"And why do you guys fight like that? Why are you guys fighting now?"

"We've always fought like this, I don't know why. Maybe it's because she had me young or something. As for right now, she just always thinks she knows what's best for me and she's trying to control me. I don't like it."

"So why do you guys have to yell and curse about that?" I get why that could become an argument but they say the craziest things to each other. They're usually not short tempered with other people.

Gigi was getting upset just talking about Bey. "I don't want to talk about that lady right now. It's been a good today so far and we're going to have a good night, she's nothing but negativity."

This is pretty much what happened every time I tried to talk to one about the other. Everything was so good for so long, I forgot they were like this before for a little bit.

I didn't press the issue and let it go. I was in a very tough position and the best thing for me to do was to mind my business and stay out of their mother daughter business.

"She's here though, right?" Because I didn't care, I loved my pookie regardless. Nobody has done anything to me personally.

"Yup." She rolled her eyes so I knew she was going to be annoyed that I was going to talk to Bey but I don't know what she expected.

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