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I woke up bright and early before everyone else like I planned. The sun was just coming up, so it actually wasn't even that bright out yet.

After Onika went to the club last night, I knew she was pissed at me so I had to make things right.

I stayed up an extra hour planning a great day for us and work up early to make sure everything was going according to plan. It wasn't a lot but it was an apology.

I got out of bed after I was fully awake and went to go brush my teeth. I washed my face to make sure I wasn't smiling in her face with any eye boogers and fixed my hair a little bit.

Right on time, there was a knock at the front door. I adjusted my tank top to make sure I wasn't going to flash anybody and went to get the door.

I opened the door to a concierge holding a pretty big tray of breakfast. We spoke for a second about how I was enjoying everything and then I took the tray from him. I made sure to tip him because they go the extra mile for good tippers.

After he was gone, I checked on my kids really quick and then left with the tray. I went right across to Onika and Gigis bungalow and set the tray down for just a second so I could use my key to unlock the door. I booked everything so I had an extra key to everyone's room.

I right walked in and saw clothes in the floor. My eyebrow raised but I didn't think too much of it. I know how Onika likes to get naked so I wouldn't be surprised if she got undressed in the living room before going to her own room.

I wasn't sure which one was her room so I had to open a door or two until I found her.

Just like I thought, she was naked. She was also face down with an entire box of pizza on the bed with her.

She definitely had a time last night. I just hoped it wasn't too much of a time.

I set the tray down on the nightstand and checked the pizza box. Only half of it was eaten so I took it and quickly left the room to set it down on the dining table.

She was knocked out so she didn't wake up even with everything I was doing.

The mom in me hated how messy her room had already gotten so I tidied up a little bit. Nothing too much, I just moved all the clothes she had everywhere onto her suitcase and collected the glasses and bottles she already had. I don't even know how she made such a mess in a day, she's just like Giselle.

After all that, I put a piece of bacon in my mouth and started to shake her. Her food wouldn't be that hot anymore but she was hungover, it wouldn't matter to her.

She reached behind her and pushed my hand off her. "Gigi, bitch, I already told you to sleep in your own bed. You're grown as shit."

"It's her mom, your girlfriend. Wake up." I continued to shake her shoulder until she finally turned her head to me.

She rubbed her eye with the hand she hit me with and then rolled them immediately after. "What do you want?"

"Say you're not feeling good."

Her face scrunched up. "Huh?"

"Say you're not feeling good so you have an excuse to stay here and I have an excuse to stay with you."

Not even a full second later. "No."

"What? Why not?" She didn't even ask why before she said no.

"Because, no."

"I had a really fun day planned for us. I wanted to stay back for a little alone time."

"I don't want to be alone with you and you truly don't want alone time either. You can go back to pretending like you don't know me and do all the shit you planned with your husband."

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