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First I see Bey at the club a week ago, now Gigi was calling me.

I just said I was done with anybody with the name Knowles but it seemed I couldn't get away from them.

I had no idea why Gigi would be calling me, which was the main reason I answered. Why the fuck would she be calling me? "Hello?"

"Hey Onika." She wasn't crying or anything, she actually sounded normal. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Depends. What is it?" Probably no.

"So I accidentally ordered something to the apartment instead of my moms house. It's a gift for my baby brother and sister, could you bring it?"

"Be serious Gigi, is it a dildo? I mean, I won't care. I get it, you know I love a good toy too."

She laughed, "Girl. No, it's a Bubble Bazooka or some shut. My mom said they can't have any Nerf guns after she almost lost her eye getting caught in the crossfire."

They sounded like they were in a good place. "Okay, if you say so. But I still think it's a dildo. Are you going to come get it?"

"I was actually wondering if you could come bring it, I'll call the Uber for you. Would you want to maybe catch up by my pool or something?"

"I don't know, my whole thing with your mom-"

I haven't even texted Bey back. I was going to, I just needed her to sweat a little more. She would appreciate me more when/if we got back together.

"My moms going to be in her office the whole time, and I live in the pool house anyway. I haven't talked to anybody my age in so long, I miss you."

I sighed, "Yeah. Call the Uber, I only need a couple minutes to get ready."

I wasn't doing shit but sitting on the couch looking cute.

"Okay." I could tell she was excited. "I'll let you know when it's close. Thanks so much."

"Cool, bye."


I made a kiss noise and hung up.

My dumbass. What happened to me being done with them?

Gigi texted me after a couple minutes saying my Uber was three minutes away so I slipped on my Crocs and went to go ask the woman at the front desk if there were any packages for my apartment building.

There was and it had Gigis name so I took that and went outside. She sent me a screenshot of the car information so I knew exactly where to go. She could track me so I didn't even text her that I was on my way.

I started to get nervous as I got closer there. This was still Beys house.

Plus her ten kids, I had no idea what they would do. I was pretty sure I stole from them the last time I left their house.

When I got there Gigi was already out there with the gate open waiting for me, which calmed my nerves a little bit.

I got out of the car with the box and smiled, it was good to see her. "Hey Gi! Long time no see!"

She smiled back at me, I never noticed how her and Bey have the exact same smile. They both squint their eyes when they're smiling at someone else.

"I know, hey!" She waved me over to her but the box was a little heavy so I didn't couldn't move as fast as I wanted to.

When I got to the the gate where she was, I put the box down and gave her a hug. Even her hugs were like Beys, just bonier.

I miss Beys thick ass. The body on that old lady was crazy.

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