Whale (White's POV)

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White looked at the purple-orange sky, letting the soft breeze crease his face. The angry red sun hung high in the sky, hiding the contours of two moons. White's eyes moistured, thinking about this unfortunate situation. The BELUCA was his favourite VR  game, the gift from his father's friend, which the old man couldn't turn down without offending him. He only started to play it four months ago, and this happened. 

Blinking rapidly, he glanced at the whale beast floating through the colourful sky, avoiding the tree tops. He wasn't sure how long he was trapped inside the game, but if he calculated right, it could be about two to four days. If he was right, Black was already worried sick. He missed his brother so much. Burying his face into his knees, he suppressed the whine creeping out his throat. He wanted to go back, but all the attempts to log out ended with a warning notice. White was scared and alone in the vast land of BELUCA, full of scary beasts and other players. 

The soft nudge on his arm pulled him out of the depressing thoughts. He glanced down, his eyes meeting the small white fox creature. The animal's deep golden eyes reminded him that he wasn't alone. Nu was the first beast he captured and formed a familiar contract with. It was a cute little yet fierce creature, and White loved her dearly. He told Black about her, showing him the picture. His brother laughed, agreeing that they suited each other. The memory made the corner of his mouth rise. 

The situation wasn't good, but he had to stay alive until the developers could fix this. Being alone was out of the question. He had to join a party to survive. But he wasn't sure if anyone would let him join, though he was just a beginner. He didn't have much experience, and the weapon he chose was unusual too. Most of the players had guns, swords, or magic sticks. Maybe White read too many fantasy novels that convince him to be an archer. He found it cool, but he regrets it now. 

White patted the soft fur, taking a deep breath before standing up. He dusted off his yellow coat and straightened the bow on his back. The whale song resounded somewhere from afar. White looked around for the last time, scanning the city built under the mountain before he turned around and disappeared inside the forest with a familiar at his heels. This city was his hope.

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