Arena (White's POV)

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The darkness fell upon the BELUCA forest. White was still sitting under the open window. His legs felt like jelly. His HP was low, and his MP even lower. He didn't have a restoring position with him. He was so stupid. It felt like he was a beginner player again, starting the game at the training arena, not knowing what to expect. Though he wasn't a beginner anymore, this one stupid mistake could cost him his life. 

Resting his head against the wooden wall, he sighed deeply. Why did he want to explore the unknown area? Why didn't he stay in the city? It was too late to regret his decision. He let out a frustrated growl, pushing himself off the ground. Nu secured in his arms. He peeked out of the window, assessing the situation outside. The Shadow Wolf's ruby core lay in the grass, shining in the moonlight. White needed to pick it up before someone else stole it, but he was afraid to come out. He caught a movement between the tree trunks from the corner of his eye. The rest of the pack appeared. White quickly closed the window. If he counted correctly, he had the company of three other Shadow Wolfs. There was no way he could fight them now and win. His only option was to cast a protection barrier around the cottage with his remaining MP and hope the morning Sun would scare the beasts away. 

White didn't hesitate. He used his skill to generate a barrier. The MP numbers dropped significantly. White sighed, sitting on the bed with his fox familiar nestled in his arms. He lay down, but he knew he wouldn't get much sleep. White closed his eyes, ignoring the dark auras lurking around the cottage. 

He hoped the barrier was strong enough to stop the beasts from attacking. A quiet sob escaped his mouth. White missed his brother. He missed Black so much. 

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