Combination (Black's POV)

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Black stirred in his sleep, tightening his grip on something soft and fluffy. He exhaled deeply, thinking about when White became so small and hairy. His eyes snapped open, glancing at the white fox in his arms instead of his brother. His heart contracted painfully. In haste, Black looked around the room, seeing Gram and Yon snuggled on the other bed. He frowned, not spotting his twin and Sean anywhere. Jumping out of the mattress with White's familiar settled in his arms, he rushed outside the room. The guesthouse's corridor was long, and Black wasn't sure where to go. The tiny fox whined, pointing at the end of the hall with her nose. Black didn't hesitate and followed the direction. Nu was White's familiar, and she must have known where her master was. He walked down the stairs, arriving at the half-opened door. He could hear voices talking. There was no doubt they belonged to White and Sean. Black curiously listened to their conversation. Was Sean making a move on his baby brother? 

A low growl escaped his lips as he kicked the door open, startling the pair. The proximity of their faces and intertwined hands didn't get unnoticed by him. 

"The fuck you are doing?!" He barked. The two boys jumped away from each other. A satisfied grin appeared on his face. He walked closer to his brother, showing the fox in his arms. 

"I am not a fucking babysitter," Black announced. He didn't want to be possessive or overprotective of his brother, but the image of Sean as White's faen made his skin crawl. This combination didn't sit well with him. He will have to talk with his twin about his taste in man. 

"P'Black." White tried to say something, but he quickly dismissed him.

"I don't want to hear a thing." He added, grabbing White's sleeve and dragging him back to their room. Sean was trailing silently behind them. 

"You are back." Gram greeted them as soon as they stepped inside. 

"Morning." Yok grinned. 

"Time to sign for a quest." Yok pointed at the opened application. Black nodded, pushing White to sit on the bed further away from Sean, and took place next to him. 

"What's the quest about anyway?" Gram asked. White leaned closer to Yok, reading the description. 

"Beast games."

"Games?" Sean repeated.

"The teams will fight bests in the Colosseum in front of the viewers. The winner will get special magical skills, coins and the beast of their liking." White read out loud.

"Seem like an entertainment for a rich." Sean pondered. 

"Yes. Like in ancient Roma." White nodded.

"Gladiators. We can use it as a name for our group." Yok beamed. Black rolled his eyes before he smacked Yok on the back of his head. 

"I bet a ruler will be watching too." Gram pointed out.

"Nice, we can get rid of him in the process too." Black grinned.

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