Badass (Black's POV)

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White was hidden in his chest. Black held him as firmly as he could without hurting him. He watched party after party coming into the arena. And out of five, only one arrived back, group number one. If the worst came true, they would have to fight nine beasts of unknown strength. Though they were badass, he wasn't sure if they could defy so many beasts. The room was silent as everybody waited for another group to arrive. The heavy steps echoed through the hall, and party number six came with shattered smiles. Their bodies were bloody from the injuries, and exhaustion was visible on their faces. Black sighed in relief. Little fewer beasts to kill for them. After this group, no other came back. 

"Number 10," NPC shouted. They stood up from the floor. White was trembling by his side. They walked up the long corridor, hearing the crowd scream as they approached the entrance. The light dazzled him for a second. 

"Always stay at my, Sean's, Gram's or Yok's side, White. Don't be alone. Be careful." Black remind him. White nodded, stepping closer to his side. 

"We will get rid of the beasts, and then we are going for the ruler," Black commanded. The group hummed in agreement. 

"Go in." The NPC pushed them forward. They carefully walked in. The sand cracked under his feet, and the sun's rays heated his skin. Black was still surprised at how real the VR game felt. He quickly scanned the area, counting the beasts scattered around. There were six beasts. It appears one of the groups managed to kill one of them. Five against six wasn't bad, but Black hesitated to let White fight. 

"The ruler is on the balcony at our right,"  Sean informed. Black nodded, observing the beast's moving closer to them. 

"Three Shadow Wolfs, Chimera, Serpent, Wild Cave Bear, " White beeped. Black automatically hid him behind his body. The crowd roared when the wolfs crept slowly towards them. Black pulled out his guns, shielding his brother with his own body. Gram and Sean were by his side, and Yok stood behind White. They created a protective circle around his baby brother. Nu jumped out of White's arms, stepping in front of them. Her tail swung furiously from side to side, and her ears prickled, waiting for the Shadow Wolfs to attack. 

"Get ready," Black warned before the three dark beasts jumped. Black shoots at the wolf closer to him, aiming for the head. White's grip on his jacket tightened, but he tried not to get distracted by his brother's fear. Sean and Gram moved to fight the other two wolfs. Balck wasn't sure what Yok was up to, but he could see him run from the corner of his eyes. 

The Wolfs were dealt with in no time, but the other beast was slowly approaching too. 

"P'Black!" White shouted as the Chimeras rushed towards them, separating them. It all happened so fast. The beast bumped into him, sending him flying to the side. Black didn't have time to react. The sand bite into his skin, painting it red with his blood as he landed hard on the surface. He rolled a few times before stopping. He tried to sit up, but the dizziness sent him back to the ground. He could only helplessly watch how the beast approached his twin and his familiar. The tiny fox tried hard to protect White while he was frozen in shock, unable to move. 

"White..." Black whisper yelled. He was so scared. He can't lose his baby brother. Balck crawled on his four, trying to get closer, but it was too late. Like in slow motion, he watched the Chimera's pawn nearing White's chest, and then out of nowhere, Sean appeared in front of him, shielding him with his body. 

The crowd roared. 

Black shouted his brother's name in despair.

And then, silence. 

And darkness pulled him in. 

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