Dance (Black's POV)

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"We need to talk." 

"Feel free to visit me." 

Black stared at his phone with disgust. He hated asking Todd for help, but there was nothing else he could do. Hiding the device in his vest pocket, Black stood up, scanning his friend's faces.

"I am going." He announced, and without waiting for their response, he shuffled towards his bike. Securing the helmet on his head, he was ready to take off.

"Have your phone ready. Call if anything happens." Gumpa reminded him. 

"Be careful." Gram added. Black didn't realize they all followed him. Yok and Sean were slightly behind Gram and Gumpa, sending him off silently. Black wasn't fun of emotions, and it felt weird to have these four idiots saying goodbye to him. He nodded, started the engine and took off. 

The traffic was hectic, like always. The cars were honking at motorbikes trying to weave their way through the multitude of vehicles, and Black was one of them. He was driving his motorbike like a madman. Soon the high glass building showed up in front of him. The view was so familiar yet so foreign. He did not visit here for years after the heated argument with that asshole Todd. They danced around each other after that, with Todd attempting to get his attention and maybe an apology too. But Black was stubborn shit and couldn't get over his friend's betrayal. 

Now he was standing in front of the place again, on his own will, though his skin crawled in disdain. He took a deep breath, stepping inside the lobby. He will do it for White. He would flip the whole hell for his baby brother. 

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