Level (Black's POV)

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They arrived in the nearest town within three days. The group chose the bigger one, where they had a better chance of finding an adventurer guild. They stepped inside the massive stone building aiming for the counter and the unknown NPC standing behind it. 

"We are here to sell those," Black said, waiting for Sean to put two bags containing Red Wild Boar's cores on the desk. The girl took them and exchanged them with two larger bags with gold coins. Sean secured the pay and made a space for White, who hesitantly pulled the Shadow Wolf core out of his pocket. The NPC looked him up and down wearily but took the core without saying anything. Black watched her handing White a nice sack with coins and then urged him to leave. He didn't like it here one bit. 

Outside, Gram looked through the map and led them to the descent guesthouse. They paid for one room with two beds because Black was stingy with money and didn't want to group to be separated. 

As soon as they walked inside the room, Nu jumped on the bed near the window, and White followed her, sitting on it. Black saw Sean approaching them and immediately claimed the space beside his brother, sending him a clear warning. Sean rolled his eyes and plopped on the other bed with Gram and Yok. 

"Let's level up our weapons," Yok said excitedly. 

"Right." Black nodded, gesturing to Sean to get the money. White did the same. 

"Will show you how." 

He opened the status window, and they followed. Black frowned, scanning the transparent thing. 

"In the top right corner is an icon with a small purse. Tap on it." 

Black tapped at it, and the set of magical stuff with prices attached showed up. 

"Choose what you like and tap on it, like this." Black leaned closer to his brother, watching him as he picked a new fire magic skill, MP boost and some extra potions. 

"When you are done, tap the coin below." 

The window changed into a coin slot, and White inserted the required amount. 

"And you are done." He smiles at the group. Black nodded, imitating his twin. Soon his guns were more efficient, and his HP recovery was quicker. He followed his brother's example and bought potions too. It seemed they all were done. 

"What to do next?" Gram asked.

"Any idea how to end the game?" Yok glanced expectedly at White. His town shrugged under the gaze. It was clear White had no idea what to do. 

"There will be a quest soon," Sean said out of nowhere. 

"And?" Gram questioned.

"It will be in the capital city," Sean added.

"Oh, the ruler is in the capital city." White's eyes went wide.

"You want to get rid of a ruler?" Yok joined in.

"I don't like to say it, but Sean might be onto something." Black, although he didn't like it, agreed with Sean. 

"If the ruler is the highest NPC, and we kill him, the game will end." Sean reasoned.  

"And what if you are wrong?" White tilted his head to the side curiously. 

"Then we kill everyone in the palace," Black growled. 

"How do we get in the capital? It's too far." Yok whined.

"If you sign up for a quest. The game automatically teleports you to the place it's held in." White pointed out. 

"So what are we waiting for? Let's test Sean's theory." Yok grinned. 

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