Concert (Black's POV)

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The first thing Black did, was search the internet. Many articles were dedicated to the BELUCA, but the content was always the same. Nothing new was discovered. Black growled, letting the frustration out. White was stuck inside the stupid VR game, and he couldn't do anything about it. He counted the option of how to help his baby brother. There was no way he would wait for the game creators to solve the problem and hope White would survive until then. The best solution was to log into BELUCA, find White, make sure he's alright and finish the game. 

He closed the laptop with a loud thud, sinking into the chair dejectedly. The biggest obstacle to getting in was money. Black barely managed to pay his tuition and living expenses. How could he afford the game and VR gadgets? Getting a ticket for a BTS concert was more manageable than this. 

It was the second time in his life he didn't know what to do. Black looked at his phone, groaning after seeing the message from Gumpa. He was late for work. Honestly, he wasn't in the mood for work, but he still stood up and left the apartment with a head full of thoughts about his twin. 

The garage was lively when he arrived. Yok and Gram were arguing about something, and Sean was crouched in front of his bike, being unnecessarily loud with the tools he was using while whistling some silly tune. It annoyed the hell out of him. His nerves were taunted like a string from the second he left the apartment, and the slight noise made him snap. Marching towards Sean, he grabbed his shoulder and shouted.

"Can't you be fucking quiet?!" 

"What is your fucking problem, you dick?" Sean shook off his arm, stood up and pushed him away. 

"You are my fucking problem!" Black snapped back as he pounced at Sean, grabbing the collar of his old tank top. He was so angry and frustrated he needed to get it out of his system. And the best way to do it was to fight Sean. The taller male got riled up easily. And even though Black didn't like to admit it, he was a good fighter too. 

"Black, stop!!" Yok and Gram run towards them, trying to separate them. Gram's arms wrapped around his waist, dragging him as far from Sean as he could. Yok was doing the same with Sean.

"What's going on here?" Gumpa walked into the room, watching them with a frown. 

"I don't know. This fucker barged in and attacked me out of nowhere!" Sean yelled.

"Black?" Gumpa tilted his head towards him questionably. Something in Black broke, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"What's my problem? You are all annoyingly happy while my baby brother is stuck inside the fucking VR game, fighting for his life, and I fucking can't do anything about it!" He shouted, feeling the tears forming in his eyes. The garage fell into silence.

"Fuck." Black swore before his wobbly legs gave out, leaving Gram to hold him up. 

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