Teleport (Black's POV)

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The gang walked for hours, and Black started to get annoyed. He understood they were tired from the unexpected fight, but he didn't want to waste time with unnecessary pauses. 

"Why can't we just teleport?" Yok whined.

"Because we can't." Black groaned.

"Can we ride something then?" Yok continue to paster Black.

"Do you see anything here?" Black growled, trying not to lash at his friend. Though he looked like an asshole and admitted he could be a pain in the ass sometimes, he still didn't want to argue with Yok. 

"We can catch some bigger beasts and try to ride them later," Sean suggested. 

"We can tame a big bird. Imagine flying on it." Yok exaggerated as he flipped his arms, imitating a bird. 

"Or we can purchase horses." Gram added. 

"But we need to get to the village first. So shut it and walk." Black snorted and quickened his steps. He vaguely heard Yok whisper something to Gram and Sean, but he focused on the road ahead. The reunion with White was closer, and his nerves started to act up. He couldn't wait to have his baby brother back in his arms, although just in the VR world. 

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