Leap (White's POV)

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Though Black said they would find a way out of this game, White wasn't entirely sure. They decided to walk to the nearest town and figure out the plan later. White was grateful to his brother and friends, but deep inside, he felt guilty. What if they never get out? 

"Stop thinking about stupid things." Black poked his ribs with his free hand, making him pout. His older brother always knew what was going on in his head. White huffed in fake annoyance, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth, but didn't let go. It was nice to hold hands with his brother. 

"How did you get a familiar, White?" Yok asked suddenly, interrupting their sweet moment. 

"Did you fight it?" Gram asked curiously. 

"Oh, right, you didn't tell me how you got her." Black joined. White expected Sean to add something, but the tall man just walked calmly beside him. Honestly, there was no epic story behind taming Nu.

 "I was walking through the BELUCA forest, and she leapt at me from the bush. I thought she was about to attack me, but instead, she collapsed." White smiled at the memory. 

"She was injured and so cute. I decided to help her. When she got better, I let her go. Of course, I was sad, but it was better for her. A few days later, I realized she was following me secretly when I encountered Mud Slimes, and she helped me out. Nu, let me create a familiar bond then." White finished the story, a little embarrassed. The tiny white fox whined in agreement before skipping further from the group to explore new surroundings. 

"It's so you," Sean commented with a smile. White heard Black growl but didn't pay much attention to it. 

"I am not a good fighter," White confessed. 

"I started to play because of stress, but I wasn't interested in quests or fighting monsters. I didn't even level up my weapon." He added, pointing at the bow hanging on his back.

"You can level up your weapon?" Yok asked, eyes widen. 

"Yes. With this." White pulled out a Shadow Wolf's core. He handed it to Yok, letting him explore it. 

"It's called core. They are something like a beast's heart. It's all that's left after killing it." White explained. 

"We have them too. Sean picked them up after we encountered the boars. But they are different shapes and colours." Gram said.

"Colour and shape depend on the beast and his strength level," White explained again. 

"Which one belongs to this." Black shoots a question at him, rolling the ruby-coloured core that travelled to him. 

"Shadow Wolf," White whispered. 

"You killed a Shadow Wolf?" Sean exclaimed. 

"I thought you didn't know how to fight." Black snorted, amused. White pouted, snatching the core from his brother's hand. 

"It was hard, and I was scared." White frowned, not commenting on his triumph more. 

"Anyway, you can sell the core in the adventurer guild and with the money, you can level your weapon or magic skills." White finished explaining. 

"Let's level up our weapons in the town." Black proposed. Sean, Yok and Gram nodded. White didn't say anything, thinking if he should improve his magic skills instead. 

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