Bow (White's POV)

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The scariest thing in the forest for White was the shadows. The dark places were a perfect hiding place for bloodlust beasts. He was sure they were watching him, waiting for him to be distracted before pouncing at him and tearing his body into shreds. White shivered at that thought. He glanced at Nu strolling happily beside him. She didn't seem to sense anything dangerous, yet White felt uneasy. His hand slipped on the bow, clutching it tightly. It's better to be prepared than be surprised. 

The rustling of leaves in the wind soothed his restless mind, diverting his attention from the potential danger. He walked for a while, enjoying the quietness. He stopped abruptly, looking around. The BELUCA forests were never this silent. White pricked up his ears, but he didn't catch any sound. There was no sign of birds chirping. It was suspicious. Way too suspicious. Opening the window with the map, he checked his location. He was still quite far from the city. He spotted a small cottage a few kilometres away from him. White decided to hide there and make a plan. Maybe the owners could let him stay the night too. He runs the rest of the way, hoping to get into the cottage before something attacks him. 

White's heart hammered in his chest as he observed the old cabin surrounded by the wilderness. At first sight, the building looked abandoned. The window glass looked grey with spider webs on it. The weed om the small yard grew into the tall green wall. The unpleasant feeling multiplied. White didn't need a sixth sense to know something was wrong here. With a shaky breath, he prepared the bow and arrow, quietly creeping out of the bush that was his temporary shelter. With careful steps, he moved towards the entrance. Nu followed close behind him. The tiny fox was alerted now too. Turning the knob, White nudged the door open. His weapon was ready to strike. White scanned the darkened interior from a safe distance. Though everything screamed to be more careful, he stepped inside. His familiar right at his heels. 

White sighed in relive when he closed the door and illuminated the dark space with the magical lantern. The equipment inside was simple. A table, and two chairs, in the corner of the room were a shabby bed and an unused fireplace. All furniture was covered with a thick layer of dust. White scrunched his pretty nose in distaste. The place was long forgotten, but at least it still could be used as a safe place for the night. 

He lowered his weapon, letting the tension in his body disappear. It didn't last long, though. The sound of his familiar fox growling alerted him. Quickly turning back towards the entrance, he watched Nu staring at the door. Her bristling light fur indicated the danger lurking outside. White gulped, closing his eyes, trying to calm his racing heart. 

He wished Black was here with him. 

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