Sing (White's POV)

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In the small cottage, the noise of the twigs snapping from outside seemed like a sound effect from a horror movie. White focused on the window, scanning the space between the tree trunks. It was too dark to see anything. The red sun already slipped behind the horizon, and the two shining moons took its place. The Shadow Wolfs were more powerful at night, and it worried White. His only hope was a light. He looked at his fox familiar, thinking. Nu did use light magic, but she was still small and couldn't face three dark Shadow Wolfs without getting hurt. He will have to get rid of the wolfs one by one. He peeked through the window again, spotting one of the beasts standing not far from the cottage, the red glowing eyes meeting his. For a brief moment, White found its eyes similar to his brother's. Shadow Wolf would be a perfect familiar for Black, he thought. 

White stepped out of view, preparing the bow. Nodding at Nu, he slowly opened the window just enough for the arrow to get through. Gulping down the invisible saliva, he took a deep breath before he put on the arrow and stretched the string. The Shadow Wolf was standing still in the same place, now looking into the distance, probably waiting for his pack mates. White took a chance.

"Sing, Nu!" He commanded. The tiny white fox jumped on his shoulder, startling him a little. The soft howling melody echoed through the cottage. White could feel the strong wind picking up around them, and a moment later, the cone of bright light fell upon the dark creature, pinning it to the ground. The animal let out a painful cry, struggling to stand up. White held his breath, aiming at the beast's head. With a shaky hand, he released the arrow, watching as the weapon hit the target. 

"Burn." He commanded the arrow. The Shadow Wolf's skull burst into green flames. White opened the status window observing the wolf's HP lowering. It wasn't enough. He aimed once again, shooting the beast in the back. The HP was in red numbers. 

"Burn," White commanded again. The beast was now covered in green flames. It felt like an hour, but eventually, the beast disappeared in thin air. White sunk on the floor, exhausted. He defeated one Shadow Wolf. Checking his status, he sighed. His MP dropped significantly. He can't use the same tactic on the remaining beasts.

His fox familiar jumped on his lap, nuzzling his chest. White patted the soft fur, not knowing what to do. He needs to survive tonight. 

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