Stave (Black's POV)

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It was torture to know his baby brother was trapped in a place Black couldn't reach. At least there wasn't an easy way in for him and the gang. It was always the stupid money and privilege that fucked things over. Black growled, slumping into his bed. He was kicked out of the garage hour ago and sent home because he was useless. Not mentioning he picked a fight with Sean at every chance possible. Gumpa was working on a miracle with his contacts, but deep inside, Black knew the possibility of obtaining the VR game was slim. There was nothing he could do right now, only hope for the best, and he hated it. 

He sits up, leaning against the headboard before reaching for his laptop. Placing the device on his lap, Black started to research the BELUCA. At least he could educate himself about the game. And if the luck will be on his side, he will be prepared. He had been at it for hours when his phone beeped. Glancing at the screen, he saw the name he didn't think he would see again in this lifetime. 

"I know about White. Call me if you need anything." 

The message said. Black growled. He didn't know how Todd knew about White, but he wasn't surprised. They weren't on speaking terms since Black found out Todd used his money and privilege to steady his late father's business. At some point, Black did understand, yet the feeling of betrayal was stronger. So he staved off and left. Todd was fucking bastard, and Black settled on that. 

A brief moment of weakness pushed him to think about Todd's competence to get him inside the BELUCA. He had money, though dirty, and power. Black clenched his fists, taking a deep breath before answering. 

"I will think about it."

For now, he will wait for Gumpa. 

Todd will be his last resort. 

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