Offence (White's POV)

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Black's friends were charming and friendly. White was a little jealous. He didn't have anyone who would follow him inside a dangerous VR game like this. He remembered Gram from his unexpected appearance in one of their video calls. Yok seemed like a funny person too. For some reason, the last member of his brother's gang made his heart flutter. Sean, the tall, handsome fellow with warm yet sad eyes. Even Nu liked him. 

"Enough," Black growled. "We need a plan to get out of here." 

Sean's hand pulled away from the fox's fur. 

"You mean this tavern or BELUCA?" Yok asked, genuinely confused. 

"Both, you idiot." Black rolled his eyes. White couldn't stop a soft giggle from escaping his mouth. 

"Stop laughing, and be a little helpful." Black snapped at him. White flinched and blinked at his twin, surprised. He didn't mean to be rude or annoying. 

"Sorry." He choked out an apology. 

"Do you know what beast was following you?" White asked carefully, not wanting to push Black's buttons more. The warm hand touched his arm, making a small comforting circle there. 

"Why the fuck are you molesting my brother!" Black barked at Sean, pushing him further away from him. White's eyes were wide. He didn't understand the situation at all. 

"I am not molesting him, you dick. I was calming him. He was fucking scared of you!" Sean shouted back. His words froze Black in the middle of the movement. His eyes landed on him, scanning him from head to toe. The realization hit his brother like a train. Out of nowhere, White was pulled into the hug. 

"I am sorry, White," Black whispered into his ear. 

"It's okay. I wasn't actually helpful." White shook his head as he fought the urge to reciprocate the hug, which was impossible due to his familiar in his arms, now squished between their bodies. Nu whined, forcing Black to let go. 

"Okay. The drama is over, so let's talk about the plan." Gram grinned.

"Big, smelly boars," Yok informed White about the beast. White searched his memory for a moment before speaking.

"They are Red wild boars. They aren't dangerous if you meet them alone, but the groups are difficult to deal with." 

"Not dangerous?" Yok huffed. 

" Yes. They don't usually attack people." White pondered. 

"How can we get rid off them?" Gram asked. 

"They are weak against the water element,"  White informed them. Looking between the gang members, he tried to guess who could use the water magic. 

"Which one of you can use water magic?" He threw the question. The room was silent, and the four pairs of eyes tried to avoid looking at him. White didn't like where this was going.

"No one?"

"Actually, neither one of us can use magic." Gram scratched the back of his neck. White let out a loud gasp. He wasn't expecting this. 


"We didn't think about it when we created our characters. We like to fight with hands." Yok shrugged. 

"No offence, but are you stupid or just insane?" White dared to say. 

"P'Black?" White turned expectedly at his brother. He couldn't be this stupid, too, right? When his twin refused to speak, White sighed in despair. 

"Don't put me in the same category with them." Sean's voice echoed through the room. 

"I can use magic," He added.

"What?" They all gasped. 

"My element is wind, though." Sean grimaced. White smiled at the taller male. He had a feeling Sean was intelligent.

"My element is fire, and Nu is too. I think we can work with that." 

White put his familiar on the floor before poking his frowning brother on the cheek to get his attention. Black was the best strategist, after all. 

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