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Black's POV

Two weeks flew by, and Black was now waiting for his baby brother at the airport. He tried hard to hide the date of White's arrival from the gang, but the sneaky fox Yok found out. So he wasn't alone in the massive hall, mixed with the crowned. He glared occasionally at Sean, who was at his side, intensely hypnotizing the glass door separating them from the arrival area. Black was annoyed and nervous at the same time. He wanted to punch Sean for liking his baby brother. The announcement of the arriving flight from Russia echoed through the hall, making him excited. Soon, the glass door opened, and a bunch of people appeared. Black stretched his neck, trying to spot his twin between the numerous strangers. 

"P'Black!" The familiar voice shouted, and finally, Black noticed his brother. White was pushing the small cart with his luggage, rushing towards him. His face shined with an enormous smile, and his eyes hidden behind the glasses glistened with tears. He was so beautiful. Black ran to meet him. Their bodies collide, and their arms wrapped around each other. White was crying, and so was he. The feeling of having his baby brother back in his arms, this time for real, was indescribable. 

"Welcome home, baby brother." Black choked out.

"I am home, Phi." White sobbed. After a moment, Black pulled away, nudging his twin to move. They were blocking the path, and people were looking at them weirdly. 

"Welcome back, White." Sean greeted his brother, and Black swore that asshole looked stupider than usual with the googly eyes he was making at his sibling.

"Hi, P'Sean." White wawed his tiny hand shyly. Black's eyes twitched, but he didn't say anything.

"Hello White." Yok and Gram joined with their greeting. His baby brother's smile widened even more. He probably didn't expect the whole gang to welcome him at the airport. Black shook his head, trying to suppress his annoyance. At least Gumpa wasn't present because of the work.

"Let's go." Black grabbed White's hand and dragged him towards the parking lot while pushing the cart with one hand. 

White's POV

The whole ride to their childhood house, White snuggled to Black's side. They were alone in the cab. His brother's friends followed them on their bikes. White was surprised Black let them. He probably realized he couldn't get rid of them. It was cute and funny. White was almost sure his older sibling wouldn't let him meet his friends, especially Sean. The car parked in front of the familiar building. White sighed, seeing the place that hid the good and bad memories from their childhood. Black was unloading his things when the gang pulled at the side of the road. He happily watched Sean taking off his helmet, all tall and handsome. The VR character couldn't compare to a real person. 

"Stop starting and open the fucking gate," Black growled, pushing him forward. White rolled his eyes but did what his twin wanted. He let the entrance open so  Sean, Gram and Yok could take their rides inside and quickly followed his brother. Black was impatiently waiting at the door. White chuckled at his twin's behaviour before he unlocked the door and let him in. 

"It's clean," Black remarked as he looked around. 

"Father made sure the house was ready for me," White explained. Black only nodded, not saying anything. He automatically dragged the luggage upstairs, and White let him. He waited for the others to come in to properly greet them. 

"This house is huge." Yok gaped as soon as he stepped in. White giggled, nodding. They all were looking around in awe. 

"Black didn't say you are that rich." Gram joined in.

"I am not rich. Father is." White corrected him. He didn't miss Sean's smile that appeared after his statement. 

"Do you want a drink or something to eat?" White asked, walking towards the kitchen. He hoped Dad didn't forget to fill the fridge for him. 

Black's POV

Black absentmindedly took White's baggage in his room, leaving it there for him. A small smile spread across his face as the memories of the two children running around the hallway appeared in his head. He shook his head. He didn't have to cling to his memories anymore. His baby brother was back. Returning downstairs, Black found his twin with Gram, Yok and Sean sitting on the huge couch. The snacks and drinks were spread across the coffee table. Black sighed at his brother's hospitability before he walked towards them. His eyes twitched, seeing Sean too close to White's side.

"Move, asshole," Black growled. He didn't wait for Sean's response and pushed him away from his tiny baby brother. 

"P'Black, don't be rude," White whined, but Black ignored him. He plopped in Sean's place, glaring at him. Gram and Yok's laughter echoed through the room, making him even more grumpy. 

"I want to thank you again for helping P'Black to get me out of the BELUCA," White said, and Black rolled his eyes. 

"You already thanked us." Gram smiled at him. Black nodded in agreement. 

"I know, but I wanted to do it in person." 

"You are welcome." Yok winked, making White giggle. Black missed this sound so much. Sneaking his arm around his sibling's waist, he pulled him closer. 

"How long will you stay here?" Sean asked. 

"Father said it's up to me," White answered. 

"And that's how long?"Gram questioned. Honestly, Black was curious, too. White never mentioned it on their calls. 

"Very long. I want to stay here with P'Black forever." He looked at him with a huge smile, and Black couldn't help but smile back.

The End

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