Platform (White's POV)

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White woke up with his face buried in his brother's chest and arms tightly wrapped around his waist. He wasn't sure water time it was, but the sun was already up, shining through the window. White wriggled out of Black's hold, ensuring he was still asleep before sliding out of bed. He checked the other bed where Yok and Gram snuggled to each other and chuckled lightly. His familiar brushed against his leg, asking for his attention. White placed the tiny fox on the mattress, nudging her to look after his brother before he went out to look for a missing Sean. He didn't know what pulled him towards the taller male, but he wanted to know him better. 

White sneaked out of the room, looking left and right with a frown. He wasn't sure where to go, so he decided to wander around the long corridor until he encountered a door leading out to the backstairs. Descending them down, he arrived at the short platform. White looked around, and his eyes immediately caught Sean. His tall, muscular body was leaning against the wooden railing, gazing somewhere between buildings. White almost didn't want to interrupt his peaceful solitude, but his curiousness was stronger. 

"Here you are," White said, surprising the older man. Sean turned around, facing him. 

"I couldn't sleep. Seem the nightmares didn't stop even in the VR game." Sean shrugged. White approached him, placing his palm on Sean's hand resting on the wood. 

"I have them here sometimes, too," White answered, making small circles on the other's skin with his thumb. 

"Does Black know?"

"No. But I am sure he will find out sooner or later."

Sean nodded in agreement. He didn't seem to mind the skin contact, so White dared to slide his palm in his. They stood silently, watching the red sun rising above the horizon with interlocked hands, calling each other. 

"You are nice, P'Sean." White ripped the silence.

"Why do you think so?" Sean asked amused expression settled on his face.

"Not many people would risk their life for a stranger." He explained. Sean's sincere laughter echoed through the space. White glanced at the taller male, appreciating how his face lit up. Somehow, he looked even more handsome than before. 

"You know, I don't like Black. He acts like an annoying prick most of the time." 

"Is that so?" White tilted his head to the side curiously. 

"We fight all the time. He has this magic power to piss me off with the smallest things." Sean continues talking. 

"P'Black sure act's different with his friends." White smiled.

"But why did you come if you two don't like each other?"

"I never saw him this desperate and scared before," Sean answered, leaning closer to White. 

"Now I know why."

"Why?" White's breath hitched when Sean's face inched even closer. Their noses were almost touching, and White would have lied if he didn't want to taste Sean's lips. 

"The fuck you are doing?!" Black's voice interrupted them. They jumped apart, hands separating. White already missed the warm feeling. He glanced at his brother, standing at the door, Nu secured in his arms, and seething fire. 

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