Game (Black's POV)

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If Black could be more irritated, he definitely would. He hated how Sean interacted with White. He swallowed the urge to punch that annoying asshole in the face and focused on the escape plan. 

"White, how are you with MP?" Black turned to his brother.

"I don't think I can use it for long. My MP dropped while casting the barrier, and I had to lend some from Nu." White confirmed what he was afraid of. 


"I am okay. Didn't use any MP till now." 

Black nodded. They could work with this. Though he didn't want to leave White in Sean's care, there was no other choice. Black took a deep breath. It was just for a little while. 

"First, White and Sean will distract the boars with their magic thingy. Gram and I will sneak out through the back window and ensure the beasts don't attack while you follow us. Yok watched their back." Black instructed. The gang nodded in agreement. Black patted White's head before he moved with Gram to the opposite side of the room. Carefully looking through the window, he assessed the situation. The other side of the tavern was clean, without the sign of the boars. He nodded at Yok, waiting for him to look at the situation at the entrance. 

"They are roaming in front of the door," Yok confirmed. 

"Let's start," Black commanded. His eyes landed on White and Sean, shuffling towards the window on the other side of the door. Nu was hopping behind them like a good pet. White leaned over to Sean, his head too close to him for Black's liking, and whispered something. Sean nodded like he understood what his brother said, and then they used the magic skills. 

"Cool!" Yok exclaimed, and Black took it as a sign to proceed with the plan. He opened the window, peeking from it before carefully jumping out of it. He took out his guns, stepping further away to make space for Gram. He could hear the howling of the wind and the flames dancing in front of the building, attacking the unsuspecting beasts and their painful squealing. Gram landed behind him. Together they moved forward, securing the perimeter. 

Black glanced at the opened window, indicating Yok to follow them. Yok made an okay sign, disappearing inside the building for a second. All the sounds died down, and Black braced himself for the possible beast attack. Soon White, Sean and Yok jumped out of the window, hurrying towards them. 

"Let's go." Black grabbed White's hand and started running away from the tavern, the rest of the gang at their heels. They sprinted through the alleys, leaving the disoriented creatures behind. They run out of the village in record time, slowing down to catch a breath. Black couldn't help himself and pulled his brother in a hug. He wasn't sappy or anything, but he needed to have White in his arms again. 

His brother must have felt the same way because he was clinging to him like a koala. Black patted his back comfortingly before speaking up.

"Let's get us out of this game now." 

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