Paragon (Black's POV)

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The elevator ride was shorter than Black wanted it to be. He may be a paragon of cruelty, but when it comes to his brother, he seems to be the exact opposite. The elevator stopped with a loud ding, and the steel door opened. Black took a deep breath to steady himself before he moved towards his ex-friend's penthouse. What a fucked up world this was. 

Black stood in front of the door, suddenly losing confidence. It was unlike him. Maybe it was because of the fear of losing White if this meeting went wrong. Or because he despises Todd. The door suddenly opened, revealing the tall man. Black's blood boiled seeing the familiar smirk plastered over Todd's smug face. He clenched his hands into fists, holding back the urge to punch the smile out from Todd. 

"Welcome back to my humble home, Black." Todd smiled, gesturing him to come inside. Black swallowed the curse tickling his tongue and walked inside. Moving swiftly through the corridor, he navigated himself to the bar, pouring himself an expensive Whiskey Todd always had in stock. 

"To what do I owe your visit?" Todd asked, leaning against the marble counter. Black drank the whole glass in one go, grimacing at the bitter aftertaste. 

"You know why I am here." Black pointed out. "Don't play dumb."

"Of course, I know. I just wanted to hear it from your mouth." Todd smiled. Black snickered in annoyance. This asshole was getting on his nerves. 

"I need to get inside BELUCA. With my friends. To get White out." Black gritted his teeth while speaking. Todd's face lit up happily. 

"It's not cheap." 

"And you are loaded." 

"Why should I help you?" Todd pushed even more. 

"Because you dick, care for White too," Black couldn't help but glare at Todd. 

"Right, I have a soft spot for him. He's just so cute, like a tiny kitten." Todd nodded in agreement. Black exhaled angrily. He always hated when Todd talked about his baby brother like this. 

"Just fucking help me." He growled.

"Fine, but it won't be for free." Todd agreed. 

"I know. What do you want?" Black asked. He wasn't sure what Todd could want from him, but he was willing to do anything as long as it helped him to rescue his twin.

"I will think about it," Todd smirked, pushing himself off the bar. Black watched him strolling towards the oversized couch, sprawling himself on it. 

"Fucking asshole, will you help or not?" Black murmured angrily, eliciting a hearty laugh from Todd.  

"How many VRs you need?"


"I will give you a call when it's ready." 

Black nodded, ready to leave. 

"Hey, Black. I want to help White too. I am not that heartless." Todd called after him. Black stopped for a second but stayed quiet. There was no chance he would acknowledge Todd's concern for his brother.  

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