Beluga (White's + Black's POV)

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White's POV

It was all utter chaos. White couldn't keep up with everything that was happening in front of his eyes. Sean and Gram separate from him and Black, fighting the Shadow Wolfs. His brother killed the third one. Though White knew he should help the gang, the fear paralyzed him to the point he was unable to move or think straight. Then the Chimera approached them, sending his twin flying. The agonizing scream escaped his mouth as he watched the enormous bloodlust creature hurting Black. Nu jumped in front of him, gathering all its power to fight the beast, and White just stood in the same spot, frozen. The giant pawn with dark claws appeared, ready to strike and end his VR life. His body trembled, tears forming in his eyes. It was the end. He will never see his brother again. 

Someone's body moved to shield him, protecting him from certain death. White looked up, meeting Sean's eyes. The taller male smiled at him before he wrapped him in his arms. 

"I got you," Sean spoke up. 

"Sean..." He whispered the older's man name. It all happened so quickly. The pawn landed on Sean's back, tearing his clothes, skin and muscles. White felt the impact as it shook his body too. The tears streamed down his face, and he screamed from the top of his lungs. He felt like the first time he secretly took a few sips from his father's favourite Beluga vodka. Dizzy, nauseous, and scared to be found out. But this time, he was afraid to lose Sean. 

A bright light blinded him, and a second later, he was pulled into the darkness. 

Black's POV

Black opened his eyes slowly. He had to blink a few times to adjust to the sudden light. Hearing the annoying beeping from the side, he realized he was back in the real world. Turning his head to the side, he needed to check if his friends were also out of the game. Black sighed in relief seeing Yok, Gram even the asshole Sean waking up. 

"Welcome back, boys." Gumpa's voice pulled his attention. 

"Good job. You did it." The older man praised them. 

"How?" Gram's groggy husky voice resounded through the room. 

"It was me. I killed the ruler." Yok's happily announced.

"You?" Sean joined the conversation. They were all awake now. And honestly, Black was curious too.

"You all distracted the beasts, and I went for the NPC." Yok grinned. Though Black was grateful, he was mad too.

"We had a plan." He growled.

"Sorry, but there was no way we could get all the beasts." Yok shrugged.

"Stop arguing." Gumpa interrupted them. Black took a deep breath to calm down. The door suddenly opened, revealing two doctors and Todd. Black glared at him, but he didn't flinch. 

"Nice to see you alive, sleeping beauties." Todd sing-songed. Black clicked his tongue, annoyed. 

"Fuck off." He barked at his ex-friend. Todd rolled his eyes, turning his back to the group before he turned on the Tv. Black focused on the announcer delivering the news about BELUCA. 

"All the trapped players have woken up. It occurred that one of the players must have won the game and ended the VR game. BELUCA will be withdrawn from the sale and restricted to play until further notice.

"So White is out too, right?" Sean asked, glancing expectantly at Black.

"I hope so. But you are not touching my baby brother. Do you understand!" Black barked at him.

"I will do whatever I want, fucker!" Sean shouted back.

"Over my dead body!" Black attempted to stand up from the bed, but Gumpa's firm grip pushed him back into the mattress. 

"Don't worry. It can be arranged!" Sean spat back. 

"Stop!" Gram yelled. "I have a headache." 

The duo stopped arguing before the room erupted in laughter. 


Later that day, Black wrote a message to his brother, asking for the video call. He wasn't sure if White could answer him. But within an hour, he got a reply. His heart skipped a beat. He managed to sneak from the room and steal Todd's laptop. To his luck, the gang found out and demanded to be there while he called White. 

Black was nervous. The call app was opened on the screen, making a ringing sound. Soon White's pretty face showed up. He was smiling happily, looking tired but healthy overall. 

"P'Black." His voice echoed through the room, making him smile. 

"Hi, White!" Yok waved at his brother. 

"Hello, White!" Gram joined.

"Hi, there." Sean smiled at his twin too. 

"Hi, you are all there." White's smile grew wider. Black almost forgot he was mad at his friends for interrupting his time with White. 

"You have glasses." Sean pointed out. White nodded slightly, a faint blush spreading on his cheeks. 

"Cute," Sean added, and Black had enough. 

"Stop flirting with my baby brother in front of me." He growled. Sean rolled his eyes. 

"P'Black!" White whined. Gram and Yok tried to hold their laughter somewhere behind them, and he wanted to punch them.

"How are you feeling." Black decided to focus on his brother instead of his friends. 

"Good. Guess what, P'?" White beamed. 

"What?" Black was confused.

"I am going back to Thailand." 

"Really?" Black couldn't believe the news.

"Yes. I argued with our father, and he agreed to let me go back." White nodded happily.

"You will come to pick me up, right?" He blinked cutely at him.

"Of course. When?" 

"In two weeks."

"Where will you stay?"

"At our childhood house." White pouted. 

"Good. It's a nice neighbourhood." Black nodded. 

"I can't wait to see you all for real." White beamed excitedly.

"We too." The gang agreed. Black sighed. There was no way to talk White out of meeting them. 

"Let's go on a date when you arrive." Sean winked at his twin. 

"No. See you later. Bye." Black shut the notebook, not letting White answer. 

"Get lost, all of you." He snapped at the gang as he lay on the bed turning his back on them. He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about his baby brother. Soon he will be safe and sound in his arms again, and this time for real. He needs to make some rules involving dating guys he doesn't like, though. Especially Sean.


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