Flip (White's POV)

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The two remaining days before the quest, their party trained, trying to synchronise their teamwork. It went well until Sean got too close to him. Black always stepped in and blocked his attempts. It was irritating, and White swore he could flip a table sooner or later if his overprotective brother didn't stop to meddle in his "knowing-Sean-better" time. 

"Don't pout." Gram's voice interrupted his sulking. 

"Black is an idiot," White whined, making Gram laugh.

"I won't argue about that. What did he do this time?" 

"He won't let me get closer to Sean." White pouted again. Gram nodded in understanding. 

"Black is  just trying to protect you."

"I know. But I like Sean." 

"Believe we all know." Gram chuckled. White's eyes went wide. 

"Am I that obvious?" 

Gram nodded again.

"Don't worry. Sean knows too." Gram winked. White's cheeks turned bright red. 

"Does he like me too?" He asked curiously. 

"You need to ask him yourself. Let's go, or your brother will kill Sean before the quest." Gram negged White's shoulder leading him back to the practice.


The morning of the quest came. Black, White, Sean, Gram and Yok were ready for transportation. White was scared, slipping his hand into his brother's palm. He felt a light squeeze before the bright light enveloped them, transporting them to the capital city. They reappeared in a large dark room together with other players. White automatically shuffled closer to his twin. Nu squeezed between their bodies. White felt Sean's presence on his other side and instantly felt better. The space was noisy from the excited talking and the beast's crying, and White regretted agreeing with the plan. He wasn't a scary cat, yet he didn't fancy the atmosphere lingering here. 

"Dear hunters and tamers!" The unknown voice echoed through the room, silencing the hustle.

"Welcome to The Grand Hunting Games!" The voice continued. White focused his gaze forward, spotting the male NPC standing on the platformer. 

"Each party got a number according to which they enter the Grand Arena. You will fight the beasts in the arena." 

"What number are we?" Black asked Yok. 

"10," Yok answered. White gulped. 

"Every party has a beast to kill. If a group fails to complete the fight, its animal will automatically be added to the next player along with the firstly assigned beast." The NPC announced.

"As soon as you kill your assigned beast, you will resume back here. If there are beasts left, you will be sent back. The winner will be announced when no beast is left." The guy said. 

"Let the game begin!"

The roar echoed through the place. White let out a scared cry. Black wrapped his arms around him, securing him on his chest.

"It will be alright." He kissed his head. But White wasn't sure. 

"What will happen if we die here?" Yok asked curiously. 

"I think you would appear back at the place you came from, but I don't know. I never died here." White whispered, snuggling closer to Black. 

"You won't die here either." Sean caressed his exposed cheek. Strangely, Black didn't protest this time. 

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