Distance (White's POV)

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The journey through the forest went quickly. White arrived at the Great BELUCA Lake in record time. He found a nice quiet spot near the shore, deciding to rest for a while. There was still a lot of time till down, and he could use a small break. Sitting under the tall tree, White enjoyed the shade it provided. His familiar jumped on his lap, curling into a small ball. White's face lit up with a smile as he caressed the soft fur. The red sun reflected on the lake's surface, creating a view worthy of the painter. The scenery was peaceful and beautiful. A painful pang struck his heart as his mind travelled to his brother. Black would have said it was so-so, but he would sit beside him and let him lean his head against his shoulder. 

God knows if he ever sees his twin again. 

The message window popped in front of White, startling him. White was confused. There were no events until the next week, nor did he have friends. He hesitantly opened the notification. The content made him gasp. 

"White, P'is here to get you out. W-B." The tears formed in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. His brother was here, in BELUCA, to get him out. White was happy yet mad at the same time. 

"Are you stupid? Why would you put yourself in unnecessary danger!" He immediately wrote back. He watched the three dots dancing below as his brother was writing. 

"Because you are my little precious baby brother." The answer said, making White smile. The tears were streaming down his face already. It was funny how he didn't doubt the sender's identity. 

"Still, you are stupid," White argued back before opening another status window, this time with a map. He tapped in Black's nickname, checking his location. The distance wasn't that great. Day or two if White stays where he is. He ponders for a moment, making some calculations. They can meet sooner if he starts walking too. 

"I will meet you halfway." He announced. There was a moment of stillness before Black answered. 

"There's a tavern in TOL village. We will meet you there." 


The conversation ended, and after that, White realized his twin used "WE".

 So he wasn't alone?

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