Melee (Black's POV)

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The bright light pierced Black's eyes. He had to blink a few times to adjust. The first thing he noticed when he could finally focus was his clothes. Black pants, black shirt and silver-black long coat. Perfect. 

"Really, blue?" Yok's annoyed voice made him turn around. He spotted Sean, Gram and him not far from him. Their clothes were similar to his but in different colours. Sean wore a red coat, Yok blue and Gram green. The colour suited him.

"Black!" Gram shouted when their eyes met. Black jogged to them. 

"Okay, we are all here. What now?" Yok asked, pouting. Black tried not to smack the back of his head.

"We need to pick a weapon and locate White." He pointed out. 

"It's just like an RPG game. Open the status window and choose. Nothing hard in that." He added. Bringing a status widow up, Black assessed the options. Not that he already didn't have one in mind. He clicked at dual handguns. The weapons appeared in his hands. They were just right. He tried to aim and move around with them. Finding his weapons satisfying, he turned to look at his friends. Gram held a shiny sword, and Yok played around with a spear. Of course, they would choose a melee weapon. They were all trained in close combat.

 Black shook his head, putting his attention on Sean. That fucking copycat had a gun in his hand. At least it was bigger than his guns. 

"Are you done playing around? I need to find my brother." He shouted at the three manchildren. 

"How do we find him?" Gram asked. 

"If we know his nickname, we can search his location through the map," Sean said, surprising them with the knowledge. 

"What? I did my research. I wasn't planning to go in unprepared, unlike you two." Sean snickered. 

"Do you know White's nickname?" Yok joined with his question.

"Do I look stupid? Of course, I know." 

"What are we waiting for, then?" Yok looked excited, like a small child. Black clicked his tongue before he typed White's user name in the search bar above the map. 

"B-W?"Sean said eyebrow raised.

"Black - White," Black answered. 

"Don't tell me your's W-B." Yok laughed. He stopped when Black glared his way. 

"No way." Yok gasped, receiving a hard slap on the head from Gram.

"I would shut up, Great Mater of Art." Gram struck back.

"Shut it, both of you." Black snapped at them. He watched a small red dot appear on the map. The BELUCA forest. A day and a half away from the starting point that they were now. 

"Send him a message," Sean recommended. Black nodded. How could he forget this option? He quickly typed a short message, making his twin know he was there for him. But it was up to White if he believed him. 

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