Defence (Black's POV)

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If having White in his arms again in the VR game felt this good, Black could only imagine how perfect it would be in real life. As much as he would love to have White clinging to him, the more important was to get rid of the beasts that attacked them and trapped them in the tavern. Black pulled White away gently, whipping the tears from his chubby cheeks. White smiled at him, straightening his back, and turned towards his friends. 

"Shit," Yok exclaimed. 

"Do you look identical in real too?" He asked. Black rolled his eyes at his stupidity. 

"We are identical twins. What do you think?" Black answered as he shuffled towards the window to assess the situation. 

"No introduction, Black?" Gram raised his eyebrow, and Black just flipped him off. They were old enough to introduce themself to White. 

"Hello, I am White. Thank you for coming with P'Black to help me." Black turned back, leaning against the wall, observing his baby brother and the gang. Something soft rubbed against his leg, and he let his gaze travel to the floor. The big gold eyes met his. The white fox was looking at him like it wanted something. Unknowingly he crouched, scratching White's familiar behind the ears. 

"I am Gram. Do you remember me? We met through video call once." Gram grinned. 

"Oh, right. I am sorry. I didn't recognise you right away, P'Gram." White said. Black snorted at it, still focused on patting the cute fox. 

"It's okay. This is Yok." Gram pointed at Yok. 

"Hi, White. You are pretty. Can I draw you when we get out?" 

"I don't know." White seemed taken aback. Black groaned, making obvious his disagreement. Nu managed to land its front pawns on his knee to get more caresses. She was so similar to White. 

"And this is Sean." 

Finally, the last member was introduced. 

"Hi, White. Nice to meet you." Sean's kind tone made Black look up. He never heard him speak like this before, and he didn't like it. He picked the tiny fox up and stood up. 

"Hello, P'Sean," White answered shyly. Black hated the stare Sean was giving his baby brother and the adorable nervousness radiating from White. Something horrible was forming in front of his eyes, and he had to stop it. All the defence mechanisms in him scream to keep White away from Sean. He stepped closer to his twin, thrusting the familiar back in his arms to keep him occupied. 

"And who is this?" Sean asked, eyeing the white beast settled in White's arms. 

"Nu. She's a silver fox and my familiar." White smiled at Sean, showing the creature to him. 

"She's cute," Sean answered, rubbing Nu's head. The fox let him do it, and Black felt somehow betrayed. 

"Enough." He growled. "We need a plan to get out of here." 

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