Strike (Black's POV)

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The clocks strike precisely at 3 pm when Black's phone beeped with a message. Getting his hands out of the motorbike's insides, he fumbled it out of his jeans pocket. His hands were dirty from the oil, but Black quickly opened the text. 

"I am ready. If you are, come here." Black clenched the device in his hand, taking a deep breath. 

"It's ready. Todd sent a location." He said out loud, getting the gang's attention. The garage fell into silence.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get your brother out." Sean stood up from his work. Yok, Gram and Gumpa followed him. Black was stunned. Sean was an asshole, a total prick, but he acted like he cared. It was so not him. Black frowned but walked out to the outer shower and joined the guys in cleaning up. 

Clean and ready, they hopped on their rides, speeding out of the garage with Gumpa ahead of them. The location Todd sent was out of the city. All Black's senses screamed danger, but he couldn't act upon them if he wanted to get White out of the damned game. With Gumpa leading the way and the gang by his side, Black knew if Todd would try something, they could easily back out. 

The route guided them on the unpaved road leading through the forest. Soon the wooden, fancy house popped in front of them. Black heard Yok while in awe, but he was busier with assessing the situation. In front of the building were two cars. In one, Black recognized Todd's car, and the van parked next to it must have been the one that transported the VR gadgets. He didn't spot any of Todd's guards. The gang parked their bikes further away from the vehicles. 

"Welcome." Todd's annoying voice welcomed them. Black turned towards the entrance, growling at his ex-friend. 

"Fuck you," Black responded enthusiastically. 

"I love you too." Todd rolled his eyes before he scanned his companion. 

"I thought you said four VRs?" 

"I did. Gumpa is not getting in." Black clarified, pointing at the older man. 

"Oh, he's a guard dog. Okay." Todd nodded, turning around and walking inside the building. 

"He's an asshole, don't let him provoke you. Especially you, Sean. I don't want him to back out." Black warned him before following Todd inside. He heard the echo of steps behind him as he made his way through the hallway. They passed something that seemed like a kitchen and living room. Black made a mental map in his head. 

"Up, up, boys." Todd grinned from the stairs, waiting. Black wanted to punch his ugly face. Todd guided them inside the large room. Black's eyes settled on four beds, heart monitors, and IV drips ready next to them. On the nightstands were four VR goggles and a PC, ready to be used. 

"Shouldn't you introduce us first before we start?" Todd asked, leaning against the windowsill. 

"Gumpa, Yok, Gram, Sean." Black answered flatly. Todd sighed, but smiled anyway. Then the two other people went inside. Black scanned them from head to toe.

"We are all here now. Boys, this is Doctor Good and Professor Light. They will make sure you are alive till you get out." The two older men nodded.

"Or you thought I would let you die? I still need to get my payment." 

"Fuck off." Black barked.

"Don't worry, I will look after them," Gumpa assured them. Sean, Yok and Gram were oddly quiet, but it was understandable. They made them take off their shoes and dress in more comfortable clothes. Black didn't like it, but he didn't protest either. The four of them lay down, letting the professionals attach wires and all the unnecessary things to them, and put the glasses on. 

"See you soon." Black heard Gumpa say before he got sucekd inside the BELUCA. It was time to rescue his baby brother.

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