Arcade (Black's POV)

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He couldn't go straight there from meeting Todd. His blood boiled with suppressed rage, and he needed to release some steam. Turning his motorbike around, Black aimed for the old arcade he used to go to with Gram before they got involved with Gumpa. 

Black returned to the garage hours later.

Parking his ride in the usual spot, he walked inside the building, spotting Sean hunched over the bike, probably changing the oil or something. The tall male glanced at him, somehow acknowledging his presence. He stopped doing his work and followed him to the couches. Gumpa and Yok were already there, discussing designs for the customer. Black looked around. Gram was nowhere in sight. 

"Gram is in the kitchen." Gumpa pointed out. 

"How did it go? Yok asked. Black plopped on the shabby furniture, sighing. 

"He will help. Already buying what we need."

"You don't seem too pleased with it." Sean joins in the conversation. He didn't sit, just stood near the group. 

"He's an asshole. Will probably want something shitty in exchange." Black growled.

"You are back." Gram appeared out of nowhere, two cups of coffee in hand. Black nodded, watching Gram handing one drink to Gumpa and a second securing for himself. 

"Todd will help?" Gram asked, plopping down next to him. He nudged his side, offering the steaming cup. Black nodded again as he took a cup from his friend's hand a took a deep sip. 

"That's good. But who is Todd?" Yok asked, confused. Black rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"Greedy bitch who used to be a friend." He answered, not wanting to explain more. It was enough Gumpa and Gram knew who Todd was. 

"What now?" Sean questioned.

"We will wait," Gumpa said. 

"Fine, I love waiting." Yok grinned, and Black snickered. He hated waiting. Todd should fucking be quick. 

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