Team (Black's POV)

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Black couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned, his mind keeping him awake. Was White okay? What is he doing? A lot of questions were swimming through his head. The time flow in the game was similar to the real world, so players could easily estimate the time even without the time indicator. Black groaned in frustration. White must be aware of the time he was trapped inside the VR. It was fucking infuriating. He forced himself to close his eyes, but it didn't stop the dark thoughts from appearing. What if White's body gives up before he gets him out? No, it wasn't possible. White was strong, and even though their father was a piece of shit, he would never let his brother die. 

Black didn't know when he fell asleep, but the annoying ringing of his phone woke him up. He fumbled after the device, picking up the call without looking at the caller. 

"What?" He groaned, still half-asleep. 

"Come to a garage as soon as possible." Gumpa's voice felt like a bucket of cold water. Black stumbled from under the covers. The phone stuck between his ear and shoulder as he tried to pull his ripped jeans out of the wardrobe without letting the device fall. 

"Be there in ten." He grumbled as the pile of clothes dropped on the floor.

"Okay," Gumpa answered, hanging up. Black tossed his mobile on the bed before he dressed up and quickly used the bathroom. He was almost at his bike when he realized his phone wasn't inside his pocket. He let the frustrated moan out of his mouth, returning inside his apartment and back to his ride. Black ignored the uneasy feeling sitting on his chest as he derived to the garage. He parked inside, quickly walking to the couches where the team waited for him. Giving Sean a nasty glare, he plopped far away from him, trying to suppress the urge to punch him in the face. He couldn't help it. The guy just pushed all the buttons in him in the wrong way, even by doing nothing.

The cup of hot coffee was trusted in his hand, and Black nodded thankfully. He caught a glimpse of Gram's smile, and he suddenly felt more at ease. Aside from White, Gram was the only one who made him feel like this. Black shook his head, dismissing the unnecessary thoughts and focused on Gumpa while sipping the brown beverage.  

"Now that we are all here, I have a bed news." Gumpa started. Black's muscles stiffened. He knew this wouldn't work. 

"My source can't get quality VR gadgets, and the low-quality ones won't work. It's too dangerous." The garage went silent. 

"What if we all chip in? Can we afford one VR and purchase a copy of BELUCA?" Gram asked.

"I thought about that too, but I am not sure. The price is in millions." Gumpa frowned. Black chuckled. Of course, it was not possible. He sighed loudly, attracting the gang's attention. 

"I know who can help us. He's an asshole, but he cares about White too. He will help, but it won't be for free." Black said, looking at Gumpa, sending him a silent message. The older man's eyes widened as he realized who he was talking about. 

"Are you sure?" 

"No, but I have no other choice."  

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