Token (White's POV)

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Finally, the night was over. The sun's rays peeked through the thick layers of trees and forced Shadow Wolfs to retreat. Fortunately, White's barrier was strong enough to avert the multiple attacks through the night. And as White predicted, he didn't get any sleep. He was tired more than before, but he had to focus still. It wasn't over yet. He glanced through the window, scanning the area. The vicious beasts were nowhere in sight. Even Nu didn't sense them. With a shaky breath, White lowered the barrier and prepared his bow. Kicking the chair away from the door, he opened it and carefully stepped out. Nu walked in front of him, ready to pounce at the enemy if it was needed. White hurried around the corner of the house, picking up the beast's core, the token of yesterday's fight, and shuffling it into an inner pocket of his yellow coat. 

"Let's hurry out of here." He whispered to his familiar, and they ran. White speeded through the forest, not minding his surrounding. They sprinted until they were far enough from the building and the darkest part of the BELUCA forest. White sighed in relief when the birds chirped reached his ears. It was a sign that the danger was far behind them. He slowed down, securing his weapon on his back, opening the status window to check his location. A small smile crept on his face. At least he was closer to the town. 

He glanced at his familiar, which raced in circles around his legs. She was so cute. White bent over, scratching the fox between the ears before he resumed walking. He wasn't sure how long it would take him to arrive in the town, but he was determined to get there before sunset. 

And he already had a plan for what to do when he arrived. 

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