Sword (White's POV)

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There was a beast outside, lurking around the cottage. White could feel its overwhelming dark aura. Nu's growling got louder. Panic rose inside of him. The door. He has to block them. The bed was too heavy for him, and the table too wobbly. He chose the only option left. Running towards the lying chairs, he picked one and hurried to the entrance. White jammed the back of the seat under the knob, hoping for the best. Taking a few steps backwards, he quickly moves to the dirty window. White pressed his face against the cold surface, observing the forest outside. His heart was pounding frantically in his ribcage. 

He didn't see anything, so he hurried to the other side, doing the same with the other window. His hands were shaking, gripping the windowsill tightly. And then he catches a glimpse of the beast. The jet-black wolf with piercing red eyes. The Shadow Wolf. The agonizing cry left White's mouth. He saw only one, but the Shodow Wolfs never acted alone. Their packs contained at least three grown animals. White slide-down the wall as his weak legs couldn't hold him up. He was doomed. 

Maybe he would have a chance if he had a sword or gun. But he had to pick a freaking bow. The Shadow Wolfs were all about meat and blood. Nu jumped in his lap, nuzzling its wet muzzle against his cheek. White buried his face into the snow-white fluffy fur. He needs to calm down and think. He can't die here. Not before he could see his brother again. 

Taking a deep breath, White started thinking. If he survives and manages to reach the city, the first thing he does is upgrade his weapon. He can't swap it, yet he can level it up with enough points and beast cores. He only needs to use his brain. 

"Let's do this," White whispered to his familiar. The fox barked cutely, jumping from his legs, ready to help his pretty master. 

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