Chapter 6: Shopping and Cinnamon Rolls

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Long waited for by all, the weekend started beautifully.

It happened to be the beginning of May.

The sunlight poured through the balcony door, casting a soft glow into the room. Seiji sat on the edge of the couch, already dressed and buttoning up his shirt with practiced efficiency. Hideaki, however, lay sprawled under the covers, his face buried in the pillow. The alarm from Seiji's phone had gone off several times already, but Hideaki showed no signs of wanting to move.

Seiji glanced at the clock, speaking in his usual calm but firm tone.
"Hideaki, we're leaving in twenty minutes."

Hideaki groaned, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Ugh... five more minutes..."

Seiji sighed, standing up. He pulled the covers off of Hideaki in one swift motion, revealing the disheveled figure beneath.
"You said that twenty minutes ago. We don't have time for this."

Hideaki squinted up at him, his face twisting into a frown as he tried to pull the covers back.
"Tch... You're such a pain, Seiji..." he mumbled and then a soft snoring could be heard from his mouth.

"Hey, get up" Seiji demanded as he gently shook him by the shoulder.

Hideaki groaned again, but finally sat up, running a hand through his messy hair. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and the bags under his eyes only made his disheveled appearance worse. He stood and stretched, trying to shake off the grogginess.

Seiji began heading toward the door.
"I'll give you ten minutes. Then we're leaving, whether you're ready or not."

As he did, he caught sight of something from the corner of his eye: Hideaki was no longer seated on the couch.

Seiji looked around the room curiously, but couldn't spot him anywhere.

Suddenly he felt someone grabbing him lightly by the neck from behind... 

Instinctively, he tensed.

"Let me out. Hideaki!" he said, immediately recognizing the force behind the attack. 

The grip tightened, and Seiji felt Hideaki's breath on the back of his neck, followed by a sinister chuckle.

"Hahahahaha! Don't even think about it! I am enough strong to finally kill you!!!" Hideaki said excitedly.

"You still lack a lot. And I can see this from your current grab of me. Let me go. I don't have time for your attacks." Seiji's tone was calculated now and devoid of fear.

"Huh!? I lack a lot!? Let me show you how wrong you are!" Hideaki's voice took on an angry edge. Saying this he tried to use all his strength to suffocate Seiji.

Seiji had enough. In a precise and fluid motion, he spun out of Hideaki's grip, grabbing him by the torso and twisting him to the floor. The movement was effortless - Seiji didn't apply too much force, just enough to subdue him. Hideaki hit the ground hard, gasping as the air was knocked from his lungs.

Seiji stood over him, adjusting his shirt as if nothing had happened, though his sharp eyes remained fixed on Hideaki's movements. 'I really don't have time for his assassinations towards me at this moment.' he thought, irritated by the disruption. But Seiji knew better than to dismiss the threat completely.

As Hideaki lay on the floor, gasping for air after Seiji's swift and precise takedown, he coughed, trying to regain his composure. His face twisted into a grin, despite the pain. The frustration was evident in his eyes, but there was also a glint of dark amusement, the kind of look that said he wasn't finished yet.

"Heh... Are you always so composed?" Hideaki muttered, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Maybe. I'm done with your sheningams."

 "But I'm not done! Ehehehehe!"

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