Chapter 3: Who Did I Let Into My House...

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Seiji gathered the dishes after dinner, moving with the same efficient precision he used in everything. Hideaki sat slumped on the couch, his hands tied with a kitchen towel, clearly frustrated by his failed attempt to kill Seiji.

Seiji finished washing the dishes and returned to the living room, casting a glance at his sulking houseguest. He wasn’t ready to die just yet.

"I only have one bed," Seiji said, breaking the silence, "so you’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight.” He paused for a moment before heading to his room to grab a pillow and blanket.

"Tch—" Hideaki clicked his tongue in annoyance.

When Seiji returned, he dropped the pillow and blanket next to Hideaki. "Here," he said bluntly, not bothering to ask if Hideaki was comfortable.

The irritated expression on Hideaki's face didn’t go unnoticed. Seiji sighed, visibly unimpressed. "I’ll untie you, but don’t think this is permanent. Attack me again, and I'll tie you up tighter next time. So, do yourself a favor and behave.”

Hideaki’s expression shifted from sulky to furious. "Tch! Stop ordering me around!"

Seiji’s patience snapped, and he responded, his voice sharp but controlled. "And I told you I’ll let you kill me once you’re not half-dead. What did I get? A weak, sloppy attack." He folded his arms, glaring at Hideaki. "You’re not strong enough to do the job. You’ll get your chance when you’re actually capable. Until then, cut the attitude.”

Seiji knelt down, calmly untying Hideaki. "And by the way, you need to work on your manners. Swearing at me is not going to help your case. You act like a feral animal, snapping at everything."

"Tssk-!" Hideaki hissed back at him, baring his sharp teeth.

Seiji raised an eyebrow. "Exactly. That’s what I’m talking about." He exhaled, reigning in his irritation. "Just... relax. I’m going to take a bath. Today has been long enough without your theatrics.”

He walked toward the bathroom, ignoring Hideaki’s escalating frustration, and added as an afterthought, "If you need something, knock. The bathroom’s down the hall." Without another glance, Seiji locked himself inside, letting the sound of running water drown out his thoughts.

As he soaked in the bath, he tried to unwind, knowing that Hideaki was likely still stewing in the living room. The thought of sharing a space with a man who appeared to have very extreme violent urges didn’t faze Seiji as much as it should’ve - he’d been through worse situations. Still, it was a strange twist to his already complicated life.

Outside the bathroom, Hideaki wandered aimlessly. He sniffed his shirt, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Damn, I need to clean up..."

Summoning his dwindling energy, Hideaki shuffled toward the bathroom door and knocked heavily. "Hurry up! I need to wash too!"

Seiji rolled his eyes. "Be patient."

The killer sighed discouragingly.

With nothing better to do, he decided to scan the apartment. His eyes fell on the door across from the bathroom. He approached it quietly and opened it, revealing a minimalistic furnished bedroom.

In one corner stood a small wardrobe for clothes, and in the opposite corner, a single bed accompanied by a bedside table and a night lamp. Along the left wall was a wooden desk with a computer, a pot with a small green fern, and a wooden shelf with various books arranged above the desk. Next to the desk was a black backpack.

Hideaki grinned wickedly and entered the room. He first searched Seiji's wardrobe. Suddenly, he realized that if he took a bath, he wouldn't have anything to change into.

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