Chapter 42: The Call

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"How many did you kill?" Seiji's voice was firm, cutting through the air.

"Huh..?" Hideaki's head lifted from the couch, confusion etched on his face.

"I asked, how many people did you kill?" Seiji repeated, his tone serious. "For making those blood splashes on the floor and walls."

"Jeez, Seiji, don't dwell on this. It's your birthday, so have fun," Hideaki deflected.

"I already had fun. And now things are serious. I'm asking you one last time... How many innocent people did you kill?" Seiji's frustration was palpable.

Hideaki sighed, a weight pressing down on him as he reluctantly answered, "A few..."

"Damn it, Hideaki! A few too much! I thought you were trying to change! I thought you were better than this!" Seiji's anger boiled over.

Hideaki gulped. Again a feeling of guilt crept over him.

Seiji struggled to control his anger this time as his disappointment was evident. "Do you even realize what you've done? You've taken lives just to create some sick decorations for a birthday party!"

"I... Just wanted to m-make you... h-happy..." Hideaki's voice cracked under the weight of his remorse.

"I appreciate it, but you can't do it that way! It's not right, Hideaki. People's lives are not something to play with! I try to put this into your head since I don't remember when!" Seiji's tone softened slightly, but his frustration remained. "Tell me, did you even looked on the Internet how to make fake blood? Instead of using real one, huh??"

"Yes, I did! But it was too complicated for me so I decided that I would make it easier and more effective! Tch!"

". . . " Seiji remained silent... in his body he felt a mix of shock, disappointment, and frustration. After a moment, he took a voice,
"I can't believe you'd think that's an acceptable excuse, Hideaki! Making me happy by killing innocent people? How does that even make sense?"

"Um... It.. um.. n-no...... um..." Hideaki stuttered. The stress was palpable in his voice as he struggled to respond. He disregarded the value of human life. The words that Seiji has been telling him, about it, seemed to not get to him. He was completely corrupted by his own beliefs. His stubborn way of perceiving people as a toys... as a usage of his own desires...

"You need some professional help." Seiji suddenly said "Guess that my words alone won't make you change... My all attempts are working, but not quite... I don't know if it's because you've been so sucked into killing others or what... But.. all I understood that you need even more help that I tried to give to you. And I think I know where to find that help..." Seiji's voice trailed off, leaving an uneasy silence.

"D-don't say that you're calling the police to take me down!?" Hideaki's suddenly panicked.

"No... Why you're so fixated at this? I said I wouldn't give you away... But..." Seiji's words hung in the air, laden with uncertainty.

"But what?!"

"I think you should see a professional psychologist."

"Psychologist? Are you serious!?" Hideaki's voice rose, laced with agitation. "I don't need some shrink poking around in my head, trying to fix what isn't broken!"

Seiji's frustration deepened at Hideaki's resistance. "It's not about fixing what's broken, Hideaki. It's about understanding yourself better and finding healthier ways to cope."

"I've already been interviewed by psychologists before, in jail..." Hideaki retorted, his tone bitter.


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