Chapter 9: Coding

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[ The next day... ]

Seiji and Ken worked overtime.

Ken was nervously looking at the screen of his monitor... As if something didn't suit him... His eyes focused on the lines of code written one by one... the whole thing looked quite solidly made code, but... there were still inaccuracies in the programmer's head and self-doubt...

As they were packing to leave, he turned to Seiji.

"Listen, Seiji... You're good at programming. I can't handle one part of my project, and the deadline is Tuesday... I know that you probably will be more focused on your project... and all.. but.. uh... Could you help me with that when you're free?"

Seiji thought for a moment. "Hmm... Yeah, I can help you. Come to me tomorrow."

"Oh really? That's great! Thanks a lot!" Ken was at first delighted, but then, coming to his friend especially since he already had his own project on his mind, seemed still a bit rude to him...
For making double sure, that he will not be doing any troubles, he preferred to ask Seiji, once again
"But... are you sure you won't be busy? You know, I don't want to take your free time... And you could need a rest..." he referenced to how tired Seiji looked like for a few days...

"Don't worry about it! I'll be fine! Copy your project to a Pendrive. We'll work it out on my computer."

"Of course. Oh man, thanks again! I'm so glad!" Ken breath a sigh of relief.

Seiji smiled "No problem. Oh... You do know my address, right?"

"Yes! I... mean uh..." He sighed again, feeling a bit embarrassed.
'The truth is, that I don't remember Seiji's address at all! But I can't admit to that! I don't want to make a laugh of myself either...'
"I remember you mentioning it once... But... hehe... just to be sure, can I hear it again?" he grinned

"Heh... Yeah sure."


They left the building a while later and headed towards the subway station. On the way, they talked about all sorts of things, until Ken must have got off on earlier stop.

They said goodbye to each other, with genuinely smiles on their faces, wishing both a nice evening.

After that, Seiji rode alone...

On the way, he thought about what to make for dinner. He looked at his watch. It was late.

'Aah... I don't want to mess with cooking today... I think that I can let it go. It's finally Friday. The beginning of the weekend.'

After getting off the subway, he jumped to the grocery store to buy himself some instant food and headed towards the apartment.

As he approached the door. he paused for a moment to take a deep breath, before stepping inside.
"I wonder what this little gremlin will surprise me with this time..."

Seiji turned the key and opened the door. He peeked inside carefully, keeping in mind that he can expect everything from his new roommate. To his surprise... it was relatedly quiet...

Seiji couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as he took his first steps inside.

He took off his shoes and then loudly said:

"I'm back!"


Seiji was very surprised, but he also started to worry more and more. . .
"Where did he went..?"
He didn't know where Hideaki was, but that such silence wasn't the best sign... Especially with a roommate that is a serial killer.

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