Chapter 10: I Need To Buy Him a Mobile Phone...

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[ Sunday ]

Seiji still felt bit irritated after what his roommate had done the day before.

The memory of Hideaki's violent behavior towards his friend replayed in his mind like a broken record,

"I'll have to temper him... He can't attack everyone just like that!" Seiji stated to himself, but as the silence of the room lingered, a deeper thought surfaced.

"But can I really control him? Hideaki's impulses are unpredictable, and I'm not a psychiatrist. What if this isn't something I can manage? What if this time I stopped him, but next time...?" Seiji paused, feeling the weight of the situation.

"Am I just delaying the inevitable? How long can I keep justifying this? Hiding him from the world might protect him, but at what cost? Ken saw it - he's no longer safe around Hideaki. None of us are."

Seiji's jaw tightened.

"I need a plan. I need to understand his triggers better, isolate patterns in his behavior. If I can predict when he'll snap... maybe I can contain the damage before it's too late. But if I fail..."

He exhaled slowly.

"Failure's not an option."

Then, another thought crept in.

"Hmm... Today is the last day off. I promised myself that I would buy him a phone..." He said, gazing at his own phone.

"I'll have to follow through on that. It might help. If he feels more connected, less isolated, maybe I can mitigate these episodes."

Seiji looked at the clock. "We'll have to go out into the city later today to get it. If I handle it right, I can observe him in a public setting again. See how he reacts this time."

His resolve hardened.

"This could work. It has to."

He jumped up from his chair and went to Hideaki, who was watching TV with a bored expression.

There was some anime on.

"Hideaki!" Seiji called him full of enthusiasm

The assassin slowly turned his gaze at him "Hmm..?"

"What do you say about a little walk?"

"A walk..?"

"Yes. You're sitting in this house all the time... I guess the only way you can go outside is to stick your head out of my balcony."

"Hm.. Actually... Yeah, you're right I guess..."

"So what do you say? Plus... heh, I'll buy you a phone so you can contact me if you need anything."

"Hmm.. A walk doesn't sound bad. I like to walk."

"Great!" Seiji was happy that his plan was slowly being implemented. "I'll just take my wallet and we'll go."

"Mmm. Just... let me finish this anime... The main characters are in the final fight."

"Of course." Seiji looked at the TV. It was a shounen anime.


As the two men stepped outside, they were greeted by a gentle spring breeze that played with their hair.

Smiling, they set off towards the subway station. The sun shone down on them, casting a warm glow over the city.

Seiji decided to start a conversation

"So.. Hideaki, I saw you watched anime. What was it about?"

"Oh... Um... It was about a guy who suddenly got magical powers, you know, teleportation, shooting lasers from his hands and so on... he was fighting various monsters to gain more powers and abilities. For example, he once fight a giant slime who was shooting acid from his gluteus body. Gross... And then after a few uh... months..? of travelling, he found out the truth about his origins and along with his friends he met them all while travelling around- *...blah... blah... blah... blah...* "

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