Chapter 40: Preparations

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With the following month of November, the autumn season has gone pretty quickly, and instead of leaves on the grass, the snow was starting to gradually cover Tokyo. By December it was in full effect, the whole North and East Japan was already covered in the cold, white, fluffy powder. It became colder and colder, and with that, the special dates were getting closer and closer...
New Year Eve
And the most important holiday, for Hideaki at that moment, Seiji's Birthday.

Weekend before the birthday...

Seiji was engrossed in programming in his room, while Hideaki, as usual, lounged in front of the TV, flipping through channels and watching anime. Suddenly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and made a call...

On the screen of Ken's mobile phone, an unknown number suddenly appeared... The black-haired man was skeptical about answering it... "What the heck...? Whose number is this..?" With a slight hint of fear in his eyes, he looked at his girlfriend, showing her the displayed number on the screen. However, she also didn't know who it was.

Ken swallowed hard and nervously directed his finger towards the answer call icon... "D-do you think I should answer this?" he asked Rika.

"Well... You'll never know who called if you don't answer. Maybe it's something important?"

"M-maybe..." Ken took a deep breath before making the final move... "O-okay... I'll answer..." And with those words, he put the phone to his ear... "Hello..?"

Suddenly, a caller spoke from the other side. "Oi, Ken, I need your... Tch, h-help..." Hideaki said through clenched teeth, as if reluctantly admitting it.

Ken was surprised. "M-Miyahara-san? Is that you?"

"Tch! Yeah... And who else did you think was calling, huh!?" The killer asked aggressively.

"Well... It showed up as an unknown number to me. It could've easily been some scammer... And wait, how did you even get my number???"

"I peeked at it from Seiji's phone... but that's not important now! It's me! And... y-you have to help me with something!"

"Help...? What happened?"

After making sure that Seiji's room door was closed, Hideaki quickly explained his problem...

"N-nothing happened, damnit! I... I want you to... h-help me with something... Tch!" There was a hint of reluctance in his voice, as if he was forcing himself to say it.

"Sure...?" Ken inquired.

"I... want to do something... for Seiji's birthday... And... y-you have to help me with it..." He stuttered and hesitated.

After discussing the plan of action, Hideaki put his phone back in his pocket. He was trembling with stress. "T-talking one-on-one on the phone with people is incredibly stressful..."

Once he calmed down, he went to Seiji. He quietly peeked through the door. The programmer was focused on his work, but upon hearing the sound of the opening door, he diverted his gaze from the monitor.

Hideaki hesitantly entered the room.

Seiji turned to him. "Hey, what's up?"

"Um... I... I arranged a m-meeting today with... K-Ken..."

"With Ken?" Seiji asked, surprised.

"Y-yeah... We need to... Um... take care of something together..."

"Take care of...? What exactly, if I may ask?" Seiji wasn't entirely trusting and wasn't sure about the motives behind the meeting of his roommate with Ken. And certainly, he wasn't certain about it after witnessing Hideaki taking several attempts to harm Ken,

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