Chapter 31: Hangover Walks

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It was hot in the bathroom. The heavy air combined with steam made it almost like a sauna. Seiji was relaxing in the bathtub. The hot water touched his body, making him feel warm...

However, even despite that calming moment, houghts were swirling in the programmer's head... Or, more precisely, the words Hideaki had said...

"-- I... never... had... such a real... hug... before... --"
"...What's that supposed to mean...?" Seiji pondered, "Initially, it seemed like he just wanted a hug for some reason, but then he kept getting closer and closer... and damn, it really looked like he was trying to kiss me! Ugh! I'm relieved I managed to escape before things went any further... But then... Eh... I don't know anymore... What the hell was going through his mind...? Was he trying to express something beyond friendship, given he's bisexual? It wouldn't be entirely surprising, but is it accurate to say he wants to get closer to me? Or maybe he only was doing it because he was drunk...? I honestly wish it was the second option... I can't imagine being with a guy... And even more so, a murderer with an unstable psyche..."

Suddenly, Seiji heard the door open

"Oh my, oh my, speaking of which, looks like someone feel like vomiting after drinking so much alcohol am I right? Well, I am not surprised... He really overdid with those sake glasses..." Seiji thought to himself about upcoming visitor. He decided to listen to the sounds of footsteps. The programmer was convinced that his roommate would go to the toilet, when suddenly...

He heard the bathroom door open...

Hideaki walked inside. He was sweaty, his hair was disheveled, more than always and his eyes were barely open. The blushes from being drunk were still shining on his cheeks. He looked as if he had woken up from a terrible dream.

'Wait a minute, why did he come in here? He looks like he's been beaten down... I'm not surprised after he drank so many glasses of alcohol, but... Why didn't he go to the toilet?! Bathroom is occupied! What is he thinking!?' the programmer thought nervously.

Not noticing that Seiji was in the bathtub, Hideaki began to undress. First he took off his blouse and then he started taking off his pants.

'Damn, why are you stripping!? Didn't he notice me at all?! I have to let him know I'm here!' the blonde stated and then started talking loudly to the murderer

"Hideaki! Get out of here! And get dressed! I'm bathing here, you hear me?" Hideaki! Hïdēæ- - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"dekeksaij fchdfsihf sadjahiu wjdakdjw gfyuhwudwa" the killer's ears heard only some indistinct sounds. Hideaki hissed in irritation and scratched his head hard

"Tch! This alcohol is making my ears ring too much... Fucking sake!" he said annoyed. He looked sluggish, eyes were partly closed, looking as he desperately trying to focus on what's before him, as if his vision was all foggy. He had no idea what was going on around him.

In a moment, he began to undress completely. He wanted to take off the sweaty everyday clothes that were on him.

In the meantime, Seiji tried desperately get to him "Hideaki wake up! You're completely naked! Don't come here! Do you hear that!?" The programmer was scared that the killer suddenly would jump in the bath with him. He wanted to bath in peace, and not have his drunken psychopath here. Unfortunately, even though he relentlessly tried to reason with his roommate, Hideaki still wouldn't listen.

When being naked, Hideaki went to quickly rinse off in the shower and then headed his drunken march towards the bathtub.

Seiji watched his boozed up roommate with dawning horror. "Shit, I have to do something!"


Hideaki walked over to the bathtub and stretched out his hand to reach the faucet. Unfortunately, he leaned too far and by loosing his balance, fell headfirst into the bathtub. He quickly stood up and spat the water out of his mouth.

"Huh...? The water is already h-here..?" This surprised him a bit "Well... I don't have to pour it at least... tsk..." he said in a bit drunken tone...

Suddenly he heard the dim sounds again, swirling in his head like moths..."Tch! Fucking sake!!! My head is spinning like hell!"
Still very irritated by the fact that he kept hearing some indistinct sounds, he entered the water with a grumpy face. The warm water enveloped him.

"Mmm..." he finally started to feel relaxed, dreaming and feeling the heat on his body. Without heeding anything, he sprawled out in the bathtub... Suddenly he felt something soft on the back, "What is it...? It's so soft... Does Seiji added some new material to the bathtub...?" he thought aloud, and then he sat down on a softer thing...

The killer looked all calmed down.

In that instant, his hands moved towards the bathtub's edges, aiming for deeper relaxation. Unaware, he extended his hands to the very edges Seiji was clinging onto.

Hideaki rested his hands atop Seiji's, applying gentle pressure against the tub's sides. This also seemed strange to him...
'Here is also very soft... What the hell...?' He moved his head closer to better see what was under them "Huh..? "Why are someone's hands here...?" he muttered under his breath. Swiftly turning around, he was met with a sight that left him utterly shocked.

The two men locked eyes.

In that awkward moment, Hideaki suddenly grasped the reality of whose lap he had unwittingly occupied.

'S-S-S-Seiji!?!?!?!? HE HAS BEEN HERE ALL THE TIME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!' Hideaki asked in horror then quickly covered his private parts with his hands.

"H-Hideaki! For the last time... Get o-out!!" Seiji shouted in nerves

However, Hideaki sat transfixed. His brain tried to comprehend what had actually happened.
'He... He saw me naked!! He... s-saw... m-my... penis!? WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!?!?!??!' he cried. Embarrassed thoughts were running through the murderer's head, he looked as if he was suspended, absorbed in what was currently happening in his head.

Seiji, seeing that his talk was still not reaching Hideaki, quickly got up from the bathtub... Unfortunately, Hideaki's eyes suddenly landed on Seiji's penis. This made the murderer turn even redder with embarrassment 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Seiji quickly jumped out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel. He wrapped it around his waist and fled the bathroom, locking himself in his room.

There he quickly dried himself and put on underwear and pajamas... He sat on his bed and grabbed his head... "What did I just see...? Why...? WHYYYYY???"

At the same time, Hideaki was sitting in the bathtub...

The whole situation was a shock for him. He didn't expect that Seiji would ever see him completely naked... Or he would see Seiji in the same state! He had disturbing thoughts in his head that the programmer had seen too much...

'Since... how long has he been in this bathroom...??? W-why didn't he say he was here???? I... I...' Suddenly, images of Seiji's down parts appeared in his head. He hid completely under the water with blushes of shame on his cheeks... 'MAKE IT STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!'


The next day they both sat in silence with their heads down, eating breakfast. Hideaki however didn't feel well, due to hangover he had after the yesterday's drinking.

Suddenly Seiji spoke... "Hideaki..."

The murderer glared at him, his voice tired and uncertain, "H-hmm..?" He still felt a lingering shame from letting Seiji see that side of him.

"Let's completely forget what we witnessed last night... okay?"

"M-mhm..." Hideaki agreed, also thinking that this would be the best solution after that shocking and indecent night in the bathroom...

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