Chapter 22: Ice Creams

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Kiminawa Ken waited for Seiji and Hideaki at the designated location, which happened to be in front of one of the cafes. Seiji was responsible for choosing the place.

When Ken spotted his friend and his roommate in the distance, he waved to catch their attention.

Seiji, noticing that Ken had already arrived, waved back. After a moment, he turned to Hideaki, who seemed less than thrilled about the meetup. Seiji nudged him on the shoulder "Hey, don't be like that. If you keep wearing that bitter expression, it'll be obvious to him that you didn't want to meet up..."

"But it's true! I didn't want to see him! You set me up!" grumbled Hideaki.

"Well, yes... But I'm only doing this for your own good," replied the programmer.

"Tch!" Hideaki hissed angrily, showing no interest in improving his mood.

Soon, both Seiji and Hideaki reached the agreed-upon spot, where Ken greeted them with a smile.

"Hey! How are you guys?"

"Doing alright!" Seiji responded, giving a quick nudge to Hideaki, hoping to elicit some response from him. He fixed him with a determined gaze, silently urging him to put on a better face than the one the killer currently had.

"Tch!.." Hideaki hissed in frustration once more, clearly uninterested in complying, but after a little bit of whining under his nose, he managed to present more appealing smile on his face. Only to Seiji giving a break for him.

Seeing that his ways of convincing worked well, the blonde-haired man smiled proudly.

But just then, Kiminawa remembered something, "Oh, I forgot to mention... If you don't mind, one more person will be joining us."

"Oh? Who is it?" Seiji asked curiously.

"You know her. She's our college friend."

"A college friend...? A she..? Are you talking about Rika?"

"Yes, exactly. Makino Rika."

"Wow! I remember working on projects together! She was quite smart!"

"Oh yeah! Apparently, she went to the United States after college and recently returned to Japan."

"She must have had some interesting experiences there..."


And so on, they began to remember their college times.

Suddenly, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Hideaki "Hey! Someone has been calling you idiots!"

"Us?" Seiji questioned.

"Who else would it be!? I don't see any other man's with Sekiguchi or Kiminawa surnames here!" retorted Hideaki.

As the both programmers turned around, they laid eyes on a girl with a tan complexion. She had short black hair with turquoise streaks at the ends and purple eyes that showed enthusiasm to new experiences. She was dressed casually for the warm weather. When she spotted her friends, she beamed with joy "Seiji! Ken! It's you guys!!"

"Rika!!!" they exclaimed simultaneously.

The three college friends embraced tightly in greeting and began catching up. Rika started sharing her experiences from the States, while Seiji and Ken vented about the challenges they faced at work. The conversation absorbed them so much that they completely disregarded Hideaki. This slightly irritated the disgruntled murderer, prompting him to find a nearby bench and wait there as they finish their little chat.

As Seiji prepared to introduce his murderous friend, he realized that he was nowhere to be found. Worried, that he may run away from them for good he called out loudly, "Hideaki! Hideaki, where are you?"

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