Chapter 26: Swimming Pool

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Seiji awoke, a contented smile gracing his face as he rubbed his weary eyes. "Aaah... Finally back in my bed... In my own room... No need to endure sleeping next to Hideaki and his incessant snoring all night..."

He got up from the bed and proceeded to change out of his pajamas. After tidying up the bed, he headed to the bathroom to freshen up. While in there, he splashed water on his face to invigorate himself, and after running a comb through his hair, he made his way to the kitchen.

Upon entering the room, he noticed that his friend was already busy with something on the gas stove. Intrigued, Seiji took a step closer.

"Good morning." Seiji said, noticing that the killer was making himself a toast.

"Good morning!" Hideaki answered with a bright smile on his face.

Seiji stepped back... 'What the heck...' he thought as he witnessed Hideaki's weird positive reaction.
"What... Happened to you?" He asked.

"Oh... To me? Nothing!" the killer answered like it wasn't a thing and focused on finishing his breakfast.

"But... You're not behaving normally!"

"Really? I thought that it is pretty normal."

"No! I mean... Not for you! You usually are all grumpy, angry and for most important... YOU ARE NOT MAKING A BREAKFAST BY YOURSELF!"

"Well... I am now."

"But it's so unlike you!" Seiji said being all shocked by his roommate's behavior.

In response, Hideaki simply shrugged and proceeded to grab the finished toast in his mouth, then making his way over to the dining table to start his breakfast.

'What's gotten into him?' The programmer wondered as he began to prepare his own breakfast.
'Why has he suddenly become so lighthearted? Did something positive happened?'
Intermittently, he stole glances at his roommate, who was peacefully enjoying his meal.

It all felt rather odd to Seiji. He was accustomed to seeing Hideaki in his aggressive and mischievous demeanor, not this sunny and cheerful side...

Soon, Seiji finished preparing his breakfast - Tamagoyaki.
He made his way to the dining table, where his roommate was finishing up his meal.

The two ate in silence. Seiji occasionally emitted a thoughtful "Hmm..." while observing his roommate. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and questions about why his friend was acting so strangely.

'This is so unlike him... I can't help but wonder if something happened to him... Hmm...' He tried to recall the last time Hideaki had acted similarly. 'The last time he was this well-behaved was... Oh, right, it was when we were coming back from Arata's house. That was yesterday. Since that morning, when we had to leave hastily, he's been speaking so politely. No raised voice, good manners... But now that I think about it... he's been pretty quiet since then... Ignoring my questions too... Almost like... like he's holding a grudge... But... we apologized to each other. We agreed to put things behind us, so why would he... be so... reserved...'

Then, Seiji noticed Hideaki getting up from the table. His movements were unusually gentle, his steps measured. He headed toward the kitchen sink to wash the plate. Seiji was taken aback.

'This is new... He only does this when I ask him to. He also never cooked on his own before. I was always the one preparing meals, or we cooked together on occasion... Seriously... What's gotten into him...'

As breakfast time concluded, Hideaki took a deep breath and walked over to open the balcony door. The sun greeted him with its bright rays. The weather was a mix of clouds and sunshine, the warmth palpable. Red-eyed man smiled and closed his eyes, basking in the sunlight. His demeanor was serene, fully immersed in the moment.

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