Chapter 8: Sushi

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Seiji was sitting at his work desk, typing away the last bits of code for a website he was programming.

That was until his friend, Kiminawa Ken, popped by for a friendly chat.

"Hey, buddy!" he said happily.

Seiji, with tired eyes and dark circles underneath them, pulled his head away from his monitor to look at Ken. His appearance was indicating his lack of sleep for the past few days.

"Hi Ken..." the energy in his voice sounded more drained after each syllable.

"Woah, why do you look so tired? Does your roommate is taking on your nerves again?" Ken asked.

Seiji remembered what happened two days ago, and just nodded.
"Kind of... I've been working on our latest project so much that I've been staying up all night lately. Not getting much sleep, due to this project but mostly because of him..." he said while trying his hardest to keep his eyelids from shutting too long.

"Because of him?? Is he that bad!?"

"Yeah..." Seiji nodded. His expression showed the desire to fall asleep immediately.

"Do something with him finally! The guy will finish you off soon! Doesn't he have other things to do?"

Seiji stopped writing the code... "I'm not sure..."

"I hope he will have, because damn, you're looking like you need a rest Seiji..." Ken noticed.

"You tell me that..." Seiji sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. He gazed again at Ken, who was coming back to work, observing him for a while.

As Seiji came back to his own work, he pondered...

'Hmm... Does Hideaki have any friends besides me...? Does he still have contact with his family? He said that he had to flee Kyoto... It must have been because of the police chase after him... But.. wouldn't his family do something to get him out of it somehow...?'

he analyzed, taking sip after sip of his beloved beverage

'What if... he doesn't have his family anymore..? And that's why he needed to live all alone..?' he took another sip of coffee.

"Hey, hey! Seiji-san, put that coffee down now!" Ken ordered with concern as he noticed his friend's another coffee cup becoming gradually empty "That's your third damn cup today! Put it away before your heart gives out!"

Hearing this, Seiji just chuckled, "Heh... Heheh... You don't know my caffeine tolerance, Ken..."

Hearing this, Ken gulped "You're starting to scare me Seiji..."

Seiji just smirked at his friend and took another sip of his coffee.

Then in one moment Iwasaki Touga approached them, but this time not alone, but with another co-worker - Murasaki Ume.

Murasaki had a striking dark violet short hair and  "Elephant Ear" Magic Ability, that means he could hear even the smallest not hearable to human ear sounds. By the order of Touga, he overheard the whole conversation Seiji and Ken had some time ago.

The woman smiled widely, ready to mock Seiji again.

"Se-ki-gu-chi-kun!!! I heard, you got a new roommate??? Did they live with you out of pity?? Cause please! No one would like to live with such a idiot and loser as you are!!"

Murasaki agreed "You are such a worthless pig... Fuck everytime I see you, and I repeat EVERYTIME when I see your stupid ass face, I want to fucking tear you apart!"

Ken, anger boiling over, snapped back, "Leave him alone, damn it! Why don't you get off on tormenting him?"

Touga sneered, stepping closer to Seiji's desk. "Maybe because it's fun. Maybe because it's so easy to make him squirm."

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