Chapter 45: New Year Episode

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Seiji and Hideaki were tidying up the apartment, getting ready for the New Year festivities.

In the middle of scrubbing and dusting, Seiji's phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" Seiji answered, then his face lit up. "Mom! Really? Hmm... Yeah... Yes. Sure why not?
Alright. It's settled then.
Sure. See you there. Bye..."
He hung up and turned to Hideaki. "My mom invited us to spend New Year's with my family in Saitama. You up for it?"

Hideaki hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Saitama...? You mean we're gonna be in your hometown again?"

"Yep. Is there any problem with that?"

"Uh... n-no... I guess..."

"So? Are you up for it?"

"S-sure, why not? Could be fun."

Seiji smiled "Alright! So we got it covered. Now... Let's get back to cleaning! I don't want to go back to dirty apartment after a New Year hehe."

The next day, they packed their bags and leave Tokyo for the tranquil countryside of Saitama Prefecture.

* * *

As they arrived in Seiji's hometown, they felt crisp air, that was indicating that temperature here, in Saitama prefecture was much colder than the one in Tokyo. The streets were lined with festive decorations as they make their way to Seiji's family home.

They were greeted warmly by Seiji's parents, Sekiguchi Mamoru and Minako, along with Akemi and their four-legged pet dog, Senko, a female Shiba Inu.

Upon seeing Seiji, the dog dashed towards him, jumping at him and licking his face in joy.

"Hehe! Senko, stop! Hehe! I'm also happy to see you again!" Seiji laughed as the dog couldn't get enough of affection from her owner.

Then noticing Hideaki, Senko jumped at him as well, but killer's reaction wasn't so positive as Seiji's.

When the dog began to jump and lick him, he tried to avoid and push her away as much as he could. He hated such close affection from canine breeds. Not to mention their big pointy teeth...

"Hey, Senko! Stop that!" Seiji ordered, but she didn't listen. Instead, she kept jumping and going crazy over seeing her missed master.

Hideaki at the other side was shaking all over. That was one of the reasons why he preferred cats. They weren't as chaotic as dogs...

Seeing the situation turn from a genuine greeting to a chaotic mess, Seiji quickly pulled Senko away from Hideaki.

"Senko! What did I tell you about licking and jumping at our guests!?"

The dog looked disappointed from a sudden scolding.

Seiji sighed. "What do I do with this dog? She makes such a mess every time me or someone else comes over."

"She's just happy that she sees you." Seiji's mom explained.

Both of roommates dusted themselves off from dog hair.

Seiji's mom, Sekiguchi Minako, approached them with a welcoming smile. She was average height woman with blonde pinned up hair, blue eyes and thick eyelashes. It was clear from who Seiji got his facial features.
"It's so good to see you, Seiji! We haven't seen for so long since you left the village!" his mother exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Then, she then turned to Hideaki.
"Hello! Is this your friend you asked about? I'm Minako, Seiji's mother. It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Yeah. It's him. His name is Miyahara Hideaki." Seiji replied.

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