Chapter 50: Not as deadly as you are.

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Meanwhile, while Hideaki was creating... paintings that looked rather full of gore and blood using oil paints in the apartment, Seiji was working on a large project at work.

Over the next few days, the programmer experienced no harassment from his bullies.

'Hmm... Maybe they were serious after all...? Although I still feel a hint of skepticism about this...' he pondered.

During the break, Seiji resumed his search for a job for Hideaki. As he looked through new offers, he began to doubt that he would find a good job for someone who had the status of a wanted criminal.

Suddenly he saw a job that might not have been so bad...

It was a job in a small clothing store.

"Hmm... Maybe he wouldn't be recognizable here..." he thought. The man sent a link to the offer to his friend.

Hideaki received the message, but his reaction was less than positive."Tch!" Hideaki hissed. "He's looking for a job for me again!? I thought that he given up on this already!"

After a moment, he read the ad, but he was full of negative feelings, "I don't want to work! There will be lots of people! Tch!" He crossed his arms in frustration... "But... damn... I could use the money..."

Having a moment's hesitation before submitting his CV, he thought."Knowing him, he'll be constantly bugging me about finding a job anyways... Tch! Idiot!" he growled, then clicked the resume application button with a sigh.

"F-fine... Let him be..."


Seiji returned to the apartment.

After making himself dinner, he sat down at the table. His attention was caught by the paintings Hideaki did while Seiji was at work.

Looking at his friend's bloody creations, Seiji had mixed feelings. On one hand, they showed Hideaki's artistic side, made with precision, attention to detail, and vibrant colors. On the other hand... they depicted scenes that would not necessarily be appropriate to hang on the wall in an ordinary apartment...

The paintings showed an anatomically correct heart, shaded and colored to look strikingly real; On second a dark room with a mechanical, bloody rotary saw illuminated in the middle; and the last painting, a disemboweled human body...

'I guess he'll never change, heh...' Seiji thought, swallowing a piece of meat.

Suddenly, Hideaki emerged from Seiji's bedroom. The programmer was surprised. He knew it was too quiet in here but thought he'd see Hideaki coming out of the bathroom rather than his room.

"What were you doing there?" Seiji asked.

"Um... Nothing..." Hideaki replied, hiding something in his pants pocket.

"What have you hidden there?" Seiji asked, noticing the movement from the corner of his eye.


"Hideaki, tell me what you put in your pocket."

"I didn't hide anything!"

"Oh, so you're admitting you got there something!"


"Dont lie to me!"

"B-but I'm not lying! Hehehe!" Hideaki's breathing quickened, and he seemed more nervous.

"Tell me what's in your pocket! Because if you don't, I swear I will make sure that you'll meet with consequences of lying to me!" Seiji's voice lowered to a threatening whisper.

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